

Adams, Gregory, Director of Finance Research, Finance
Adriano, Deryck, Department Chair and Professor of Military Science, Military Science
Agle, Brad, Professor and George Romney-Professorship, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Aiello, Darren, Assistant Professor of Finance, Finance
Alderman, Trish, Adjunct Professor, School of Accountancy
Alleger, Jason, Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Allen, Abigail, Associate Professor and LeAnn Albrecht Fellow, School of Accountancy
Allen, BJ, Associate Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Allred, Sarah, Assistant to the Dean, Deans Office
Allred, Shane, Director of Technology, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Andersen, Camey, Adjunct Professor, Management
Anderson, Bonnie, Associate Dean, Deans Office
Professor of Information Systems, Information Systems
Anderson, Greg, Professor, Information Systems
Anderson, James, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Anderson, Jess Dansie, Managing Director Communications & Marketing, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Anderson, Yvette, Admission Coordinator, MBA
Andrade, Filipe, Business Manager, Business Career Center
Apuakehau, Anne, Business Operations Manager, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Argyle, Bronson, Associate Professor, Finance
Arnett, Nick, Systems Administrator/IT Manager, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Atkinson, Michael, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Averett, Julie, Academic Advisor, School of Accountancy


Bailey, Travis, LTC, Department Chair & Professor of Military Science (PMS), Military Science
Bair, Sean, Adjunct Professor, Management
Bale, Cameron, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Bale, Morgan, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Ball, Kevin, Adjunct Professor, Information Systems
Ballif, Greta, Communications and Marketing Manager, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Barrick, John, Associate Professor, School of Accountancy
Bates, Anthony, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Bates, Brandon, Adjunct Professor, Finance
Bauer, Miranda, Alumni Coordinator, Information Systems
Bawden, Alison, Program Manager, Aerospace Studies
Baxter, Angela, Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Advisement
Beck, Ben, Assistant Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Bednar, Jeff, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Bell, Ashley, Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Advisement
Benson, David, Assistant Professor of Strategy, Management
Benson, Wynona, Adjunct Professor, Management
Bentley, Stephanie, Senior PR and Communications Manager, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Bernards, Sam, Adjunct Professor, School of Accountancy
Berrett, Britt, Teaching Professor, Management
Billeter, Darron, Associate Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Bingham, John, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Black, Aubry, Digital Media Specialist, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Black, Ryan, Senior Developer/Software Engineer, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Blair, Cindy, Associate Professor of Global Supply Chain Management, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Blum, Eric, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Bolkcom, Jennifer, Deans Assistant, Deans Office
Bond, Mike, Teaching Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Associate Director, MBA
Boss, Dillon, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Bowman, Sara, Study Abroad Coordinator, Whitmore Global Business Center
Boyce, Dave, Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Boyer, Brian, Associate Professor of Finance, H. Taylor Peery Fellow, Finance
Boyle, Katie, Scholarships Coordinator, Deans Office
Bradford, Brooke, Business Manager, School of Accountancy
Brau, Bekki, Assistant Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Brau, Jim, Joel C. Peterson Professor of Finance, Finance
Brewer, Barry, Associate Professor of Global Supply Chain, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Brown, Jeff, Program Director, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Bryce, David, Associate Professor of Strategy, Management
Budd, Cassy, Teaching Professor, Nemrow Excellence in Teaching Professor, School of Accountancy
Burningham, Jeff, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Burton, John, Adjunct Professor, Experience Design and Management
Busse, Franz, Adjunct Professor, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Butler, Matt, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Butler, Shawn, MBA Marketing Director, MBA


Card, Erica, Manager, Healthcare Industry Careers & Employer Relations, Business Career Center
Carden, Jeanelle, Alumni Relations Manager, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Carlos, Chad, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Management
Carpenter, Troy, Associate Professor of Finance, Managing Director Peery Institute, Finance
Carroll, Staci, Career Director, MPA Program, Business Career Center
Caywood, Brett, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Chamberlain, Amber, HR Operations Specialist, Deans Office
Chewning, Heather, Associate Director, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Child, Curtis, Affiliated Faculty, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Christensen, Brant, Associate Professor and Deloitte Fellow, School of Accountancy
Christensen, Glenn, Associate Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Christensen, Jason, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Christensen, Perry, Associate Director, Graduate and Integrated Programs/Director, MBA Career Management, Business Career Center
Christensen, Robert, MPA Director, Professor and George Romney-Fellow Disting, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Christensen, Stan, Adjunct Professor, Management
Christiansen, John, Adjunct Professor, Information Systems
Church, Corbin, Affiliate Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Clark, Kim, NAC Professor of Business, Management
Cole, Duncan India, Office Manager and Alumni Coordinator, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
COMPTON, JACOB, SFC, Secondary UTARNG Liaison Recruiter, Military Science
Connolly, John, Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Conroy, Brenna, Events Coordinator, Finance
Cook, Ryan, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Cook, TaraLee, Associate Director, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Cornilles, Robert, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Cowley, Katelyn, Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Advisement
Cox, Nathan, Web Developer/Software Engineer, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Creer, Jonathan, Commander and Professor of Aerospace Studies, Aerospace Studies
Crockett, Cheryl, Administrative Manager, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Cullimore, Soraya, MBA Employer Engagement Supervisor, Business Career Center
Cummings, Morgan, Adjunct Professor, School of Accountancy
Curtis, Baylee, Program and Events Coordinator, School of Accountancy
Cuthbert, Andrew, Senior Manager of Alumni Communications, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Cutler, Laura, Assistant Teaching Professor, Information Systems


Daniels, Lee, Associate Teaching Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Associate Teaching Professor of Marketing, Whitmore Global Business Center
Dansie, Kirsten, HR Coordinator, Deans Office
Day, Jane, Adjunct Professor, Management
Day, Teresa, Program Coordinator, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Densley, Amy, Assistant Program Director, Finance
DeRosia, Eric, Associate Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Dethloff, Sarah, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
DeTienne, Kristen, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Diether, Karl, Professor of Finance, Goldman Sachs Fellow, Finance
Dixon, Heidi, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Dixon, Liz, Associate Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Donahoo, Nicole, Assistant Professor, School of Accountancy
Drake, Michael, K. Fred Skousen Professor of Accounting, School of Accountancy
Duerden, Mat, Department Chair and Professor, Experience Design and Management
Durfey, Justin, Adjunct Professor, Experience Design and Management
Dyer, Jeff, Horace Beesley Professor of Strategy, Management
Dyer, Travis, Associate Professor and PwC Fellow, School of Accountancy


Earnshaw, Craig, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
ECKLES, DAVID, SFC, ROTC National Guard Campus Recruiter, Military Science
Edmonds, Emily, Associate Editor, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Elder, Ryan, Department Chair/Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Eldredge, Brittley, Adjunct Professor, School of Accountancy
Ellsworth, Shannon, Adjunct Faculty, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Elrod, Summer, Business Operations Manager, Deans Office
Engh, Heidi, Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Advisement
Evans, Stephen, Contractor, Military Science
Evanson, Scott, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Eyring, Henry, Teaching Professor, Management
Eyring, Sarah, Adjunct Professor, Management


Farrell, Andrea, Finance Manager, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Faulconer, Kacy, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Fenn, Jerry, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Ficker, Erich, Adjunct Professor, School of Accountancy
Fink, Damian, Affiliate Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Finneman, Kyle, Adjunct Professor, Information Systems
Fletcher, James, Adjunct Professor, Finance
Foster, Tom, Donald L. Staheli Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Fox, Steven, Managing Director, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Fox, Zack, Assistant Professor, School of Accountancy
Francis, Kurt, Career Director, Global Supply Chain and Business Management, Business Career Center
Frazier, Quinn, Assistant Dean/Director, Business Career Center
Freeman, Patti, Professor, Experience Design and Management


Galvin, Benjamin, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Gardner, John, Associate Professor of Global Supply Chain, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Gardner, Krista, Adjunct Professor, Management
Gardner, Nathan, Adjunct Professor, Management
Gardner, Richard, Associate Professor, Management
Gardner, Robert, Assistant Dean, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Garfield, John, Adjunct Professor, Experience Design and Management
Gartz, Andrew, Program Manager, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Gaskin, James, Professor, Information Systems
Giboney, Justin, Associate Professor, Information Systems
Giguere, Lisa, Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Advisement
Goddard, Brent, Adjunct Professor, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Godfrey, Paul, Department Chair and William and Roceil Low Professor of Business Strategy, Management
Graham, Stephanie, Program Manager, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Graves, Megan, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Grawe, Reid, Career Director, Information Systems (BSIS & MISM), Business Career Center
Greathead, Simon, Teaching Professor of Global Supply Chain, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Assistant Teaching Professor Global Supply Chain, Whitmore Global Business Center
Griffin Anderson, Sarah, Staff Editor, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Griffith, Roland, Assistant Professor of Military Science, Military Science
Gubler, Timothy, Associate Professor of Strategy, Management
Gygi, Shawna, Assistant Director, MBA, Business Career Center


Hair, Chris, Assistant Professor, Finance
Hall, David, Adjunct Professor, Management
Halverson, Taylor, Associate Teaching Professor of Entrepreneurship, Management
Mentoring Coordinator, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Hansen, James, Visiting Professor, School of Accountancy
Hansen, Jana, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Hansen, Mark, Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership and Strategy, Management
Hansen, Michael, Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Harker, Michael, Director, Crocker Innovation Fellows Program, Business Career Center
Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Advisement
Harmon, Jim, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Harmon, Tanya, Career Director, Finance, Business Career Center
Harper, Lindsay, Manager of Belonging, Deans Office
Hart, David, Associate Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Hatch, Nile, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Management
Hathaway, Amber, Student Relations/Alumni Specialist, Management
Hathaway, Brett, Global Supply Chain Assistant Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Haynes, Stephen, Adjunct Professor, Information Systems
Heath, Savannah, Recruiting and Events Manager, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Heaton, Marcos, CPT, S4 Instructor, Military Science
Heist, Dan, Assistant Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Hendron, Mike, Associate Teaching Professor of Entrepreneurship, Management
Director, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Heninger, Bill, Associate Professor, School of Accountancy
Henrichsen, Hunter, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Hernandez, Carl, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Herrmann, Kurt, Adjunct Professor, Management
Hill, Arkin, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Hill, Brian, Professor, Experience Design and Management
Hill, Norman, Affiliate Faculty, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Hilton, Spencer, Associate Teaching Professor, Information Systems
Hodge, Camilla, Associate Professor, Experience Design and Management
Hodgman, Megan, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Hollan, David, Director, On-Campus Internship Program, Business Career Center
Holmes, Andrew, Associate Professor of Finance, Finance
Holt, Kevin, Adjunct Professor, School of Accountancy
Hopper, Lisbeth, Business Manager, Whitmore Global Business Center
Howell, John, Assistant Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Howell, Taeya, Associate Professor, Management
Hubbs, Sara, Assistant Dean, Finance & HR, Deans Office
Hulterstrom, Bill, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Hunter, Shelley, Information Systems Career Manager, Business Career Center
Huntsman, Jason, Adjunct Professor, Management


Ignatius, Saritha, Financial Career Manager, Business Career Center
Iverson, Ben, Associate Professor of Finance, Finance


Jeffrey, Elizabeth, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Jenkins, Holly, Department Administrator, Management
Jenkins, Jeff, Professor, Information Systems
Johnson, Heather, Adjunct Professor, Experience Design and Management
Johnson, Jake, MAJ, APMS - Assistant Professor of Military Science, Military Science
Johnson, Kent, Adjunct Professor, School of Accountancy
Johnson, Mark, Assistant Professor of Finance, Finance
Jones Christensen, Lisa, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Joyce, Stephanie, NCOIC, Det 855 and Instructor, Aerospace Studies
Judd, Hannah, Assistant Professor, School of Accountancy


Kaanapu, Mckinsey, Marketing & Communications Manager, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Kearsley, Gardner, Adjunct Professor, Experience Design and Management
Keeley, Shannon, Publications Editor, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Keenan, Bill, Associate Director, Undergraduate Programs/Career Director, HR, Entrepreneurship, and Strategy, Business Career Center
Keith, Mark, Associate Professor, Information Systems
Kelemen, Whitley, Adjunct Professor, Experience Design and Management
Kelly, Phil, Adjunct Professor, Experience Design and Management
Kerr, Jon, Rachel Martin Fellow and Associate Professor, School of Accountancy
Kettles, Degan, Associate Teaching Professor, Information Systems
King, Katie, EMBA Program Coordinator in SLC, MBA
King, Melissa, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Kooistra, Nicole, Events Manager, Deans Office
Kotter, Jason, Assistant Professor of Finance, Finance


Laham, Tracie, Career Director, School of Accountancy, Business Career Center
Lambert, Ben, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Lambert, Paul, Affiliated Faculty, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Larkins, Jim, Adjunct Professor, Finance
Larson, Jeff, Associate Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Larson, Jenn, Adjunct Professor, Finance
Larson, Melissa, Teaching Professor, E. Dee & Patricia Hubbard Professor, School of Accountancy
LeBaron, Curtis, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Lee, Josh, Professor and Deloitte Fellow, School of Accountancy
Leininger, Steven, Affiliate Faculty, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Lentz, Sam, Adjunct Professor, Information Systems
Levinthal, Michael, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Lewis-Western, Melissa, Professor, W. Steve Albrecht Professorship, School of Accountancy
Lewis, Ben, Associate Professor of Strategy, Management
Lewis, Richard, Custodian, Building Care
Lewis, Troy, Associate Director, Teaching Professor, KPMG Professor, School of Accountancy
Liddle, Steve, Professor of Information Systems, Information Systems
Liljegren, Jonathan, Associate Teaching Professor, School of Accountancy
Lincoln, James, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Lindsay Patterson, Kate, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Little, Chad, Marketing & Public Relations Director, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Lizunova, Lena, Assistant Professor, Management
Lloyd, Kim, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Loftis, R. Chet, Adjunct Professor of Healthcare Leadership, Management
Loveridge, Quincey, Financial Manager, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Lundberg, Neil, Professor, Experience Design and Management
Lundell, Dean, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics


Madden, Matt, Associate Teaching Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Madrian, Brigitte, Dean, Deans Office
Marriott Distinguished Professor of Finance, Finance
Marriott Distinguished Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Madsen, Peter, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Mann, Jaclyn, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Maroney, Jennifer, Alumni Director, School of Accountancy
Matkin, David, Professor and Stewart Grow-Fellow, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Maughan, Kayden, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Maughan, Mike, Adjunct Professor, Deans Office
McDevitt, Charles, SFC, S3 NCO Instructor, Military Science
McGee, Bob, International Career Director, Business Career Center
McGee, Japheth, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
McQuivey, Kristin, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Meadows, Samuel, MSG, Senior Military Science Instructor (SMSI), Military Science
Meng, Mallory, Event Coordinator, MBA
Merrill, Craig, Second Mile Professor of Finance, Finance
Meservy, Tom, Department Chair and Professor, Information Systems
Middleton, Valene, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Miller, Aaron, Associate Managing Director, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Teaching Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Mitton, Todd, Ned C. Hill Professor of Finance, Finance
Money, Bruce, Fred Meyer Professor of Marketing and International Business, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Montgomery, Luisa, Human Resource Administrator (HRA), Military Science
Morgan, Blair, Administrative Dean, Deans Office
Morley, Tad, Adjunct Professor of Healthcare Leadership, Management
Morrin, Laura, SOA Career Manager, Business Career Center
Morris, Shad, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Director, Whitmore Global Business Center
Muhlestein, Laura, HR Manager, Deans Office
Muirhead, Brandon, Adjunct Professor, Finance
Murdock, Rick, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Murff, Megan, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Murff, Scott, Associate Teaching Professor of Strategy, Management


Nadauld, Taylor, Department Chair, Professor of Finance, and Goldman Sachs Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Finance
Director, Peery Institute of Financial Services
Nelson, Emily Vela, Healthcare Leadership Collaborative Program Coordinator, Management
Neuffer, Mike, Career Director, Marketing Career Management, Business Career Center
Newell, Karmel, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Nielson, Troy, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Nitchman, Lisa, Assistant Controller, Deans Office
Novilla, Kirsten, Research Development Coordinator, Deans Office
Nzojibwami, Ben, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics


Oldroyd, James, Associate Professor of Strategy, Management
Olsen, Adam, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Olsen, Bart, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Osguthorpe, Ben, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Ottesen, Jordan, Adjunct Professor, Information Systems
Owens, Brad, Professor and Stewart L. Grow Professorship, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics


Palmer, Rose, Event Manager, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Parker, Luke, Education Officer and Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies, Aerospace Studies
Parker, Wayne, Affiliate Faculty/City Manager in Residence, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Parry, Andrew, Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Parry, Evan, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Patterson, Rick, Assistant Director, MBA, Business Career Center
Peterson, Eden, Adjunct professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Peterson, Thomas, Associate Teaching Professor of Entrepreneurship, Management
Associate Teaching Professor of Entrepreneurship, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Peterson, Treavor, Managing Director, MBA
Phillips, Rhonda, MCom Program Coordinator, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Piacitelli, Jill, Associate Director, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Pickerd, Jeffrey, Associate Professor, School of Accountancy
Pomar, Miguel, Associate Director, Center Operations/Director, Employer Engagement, Business Career Center
Pope, Amanda, Associate Teaching Professor, School of Accountancy
Porter, Scott, Adjunct Professor, Experience Design and Management
Posey, Clay, Professor, Information Systems
Poulin, Kyle, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Pratt, Ryan, Associate Professor of Finance, Finance
Prawitt, Doug, Director, LeRay McAllister/Deloitte Foundation Distinguished Professor, School of Accountancy
Pretorius, Angelique, Advisement Center Office Manager, Undergraduate Advisement


Rabner, Ben, Adjunct Professor, Experience Design and Management
Rackham, Scott, Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Raines, Jay, Adjunct Professor, Whitmore Global Business Center
Rees, McKenzie, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Reese, Katy, Assistant Teaching Professor, Information Systems
Reeves, Cody, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Remington, Michael, Systems and Support Administrator, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Richardson, Marianna, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Ritchie, James, Affiliate Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Ritter, Kelli, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Roth, Roy, Adjunct Professor, Finance
Roundy, Christine, Academic Program Manager, MBA
Rowe, Bruce, Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Ruddle, Travis, Assistant Professor, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Assistant Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics


Sagers, Kimberly, Mental Health & Wellness Specialist, Deans Office
Sampson, Scott, Thorsell Professor of Global Supply Chain Management, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Sandberg, Rhonda, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Director, Undergraduate Advisement
Sandholtz, Kurt, Associate Teaching Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Santiago Morales, Carlos, Building Care Specialist, Building Care
Savage, Nathan, Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Schell, Nathan, SFC, Senior Military Science Instructor (SMSI), Military Science
Schuetzler, Ryan, Associate Professor, Information Systems
Scoville, Kimberly, Adjunct Professor, Management
Seidel, Tim, Associate Professor, Andersen Foundations Fellow, School of Accountancy
Senior, David, Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Shaw, Morgan, Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Advisement
Sheranian, Kristen, Course Coordinator, Management
Shumway, Pattie, Business Manager, Experience Design and Management
Shumway, Tyler, Professor of Finance, Finance
Silvia, Chris, Associate Professor and Stewart Grow-Fellow, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Skousen, Tanner, Assistant Professor, Information Systems
Slade, Barrett, James M. Passey Professor of Finance, Finance
Smailes, David, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Smith, Corban, Operations Flight Commander and Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies, Aerospace Studies
Smith, Isaac, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Management
Smith, Isaac, Graduate Research Assistant, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Smith, Kip, Branding and Marketing Manager, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Smith, Steve, Associate Professor, Warnick/Deloitte Fellow, School of Accountancy
Snow, Daniel, Lee Tom Perry Distinguished Fellow and Associate Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Director, MBA
Sommerfeldt, Ryan, Assistant Professor, School of Accountancy
Sorensen, Craig, Assistant Dean of Advancement, Deans Office
Sorensen, Stephen, Adjunct Professor, Management
Spackman, Andy, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Spicer, Jason, Operations Officer and Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies, Aerospace Studies
Spilker, Brian, Robert Call/Deloitte Professor, School of Accountancy
Steffen, Jacob, Assistant Professor, Information Systems
Stokes, Chantel, Recruiting Operations Manager, Business Career Center
Stoltz, Veronica, International Program Coordinator, Whitmore Global Business Center
Storey, Ross, Associate Teaching Professor, Experience Design and Management
Strawn, Cameron, Education Officer and Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies, Aerospace Studies
Sturgeon, Jack, Recruiting Operations Officer, Military Science
Sullivan, Casey, Applicant & Alumni Analytics Manager, MBA
Summers, Scott, Andersen Foundation Professor, School of Accountancy
Swenson, Michael, Christensen Professor of Marketing, Marketing and Global Supply Chain


Tanner, Abigail, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Tanner, Tynisha, NCOIC, Admin, Aerospace Studies
Tayler, Bill, Associate Director, Robert J. Smith Professor, School of Accountancy
Taylor, Celine, Project Assistant, Management
Tennis, Peter, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Management
Thomas, Lisa, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Thomas, Sheri, Associate Teaching Professor, School of Accountancy
Thompson, Jeffery, Professor and David Sorensen-Professorship, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Thomson, Dan, Adjunct Professor, Management
Thorne, Caroline, Program Advisor, Information Systems
Thornock, Jake, Professor of Accounting and John and Nancy Hardy Chaired Professor, School of Accountancy
Tileston, Reid, Adjunct Professor, Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Trautman, Melissa, Adjunct Professor, Experience Design and Management
Tucker, Kathryn, Program Manager, Military Science
Tuia, Lance, Building Supervisor, Building Care
Twyman, Nathan, Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator, Information Systems


Utley, Nicole, Student Experience Administrator, Experience Design and Management


Valletta, Michael, LTC, APMS - Assistant Professor of Military Science, Military Science
Vernon, Eric, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Vorkink, Keith, Douglas & Effie Driggs Professor of Finance, Finance


Walker, Jason, Adjunct Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Wallentine, Melissa, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Ward, Nicholas, Adjunct Professor, Management
Ward, Peter, Associate Professor, Experience Design and Management
Ward, Tara, Business Manager, Finance
Wayas, Noelani, Career Director, Experience Design and Management, Business Career Center
Webb, Delanie, Events Coordinator, Management
Webb, Scott, Teaching Professor of Global Supply Chain, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Wells, Taylor, Assistant Professor, Information Systems
Whitehead, Nina, Support Services Manager, Marketing, Communications, and Technology
Whitlock, Rachel, Adjunct Professor, Management
Widmer, Mark, Professor, Experience Design and Management
Wightman, Breck, Assistant Professor, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Wilks, Jeff, Associate Dean, Deans Office
EY Professor, School of Accountancy
Willardsen, Crickett, Adjunct Professor of Management Communication, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Williams, Gary, Teaching Professor, Management
Williams, Trent, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Management
Williamson, Alvan, Building Care Specialist, Building Care
Wilson, Dave, Assistant Professor, Information Systems
Winder, Bobby, Adjunct Professor, Finance
Witesman, Eva, Director, Ballard Center for Social Impact
Professor, Director of Ballard Center and Stewart Grow-Fellow Disting, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Wood, David, Glenn D. Ardis Professor, School of Accountancy
Wood, Jonathon, Managing Director, Whitmore Global Business Center
Wright, Colby, Professor of Finance, Finance
Wright, Ian, Assistant Professor of Finance, Finance
Wright, Zach, Global Supply Chain Assistant Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain
Wudel, Johny, Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain


Zabriskie, Ramon, Professor, Experience Design and Management
Zippi, Greg, Adjunct Professor, Marketing and Global Supply Chain