Contacting Support

Create a Support Request

We recommend requesting help by submitting a support ticket through the BYU Marriott website. Our staff monitors these requests during regular work hours. All support requests will be reviewed and resolved as quickly as possible. Support requests typically fall under either IT Support or Website Support. If you are unsure which department to select, please choose IT Support and we will direct the ticket to the appropriate team.

Select a department to start your support request:

  • IT Support—Computer Support, Hardware, Software, Email, BYU Accounts, Box Accounts, etc.
  • Website Support—Event Registration Websites, Club Access, Content Updates, Student Database, BYU Marriott Apps, etc.

Faculty and staff may also view their past support requests. (Note: this may not work for student employees.)

Contact Information

The IT Support Office is open Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 PM. The office will be closed for all university devotionals, Tuesdays 11 am – 12 PM.

IT Support

380 TNRB
(801) 422-4925

IT Support Ticket

Website Support