Eva Witesman
Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
Website: http://www.evawitesman.com
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Eva M. Witesman, Ph.D. is Director of the Ballard Center for Social Impact in the BYU Marriott School of Business. An expert in strategic planning and evidence-based innovation, she employs a full range of quantitative and qualitative program evaluation tools, techniques and practices in the service of nonprofit, government, and prosocial for-profit organizations. She currently teaches statistical analysis, with an emphasis on program evaluation applications, in the BYU MPA program.
In her research, Dr. Witesman focuses her work on the public and nonprofit sectors, seeking to improve public outcomes through data-informed management. With her co-editor Curtis Child, she recently published an edited volume entitled "Reimagining Nonprofits: Sector Theory in the 21st Century" through Cambridge University Press.
Dr. Witesman is also a founder of the Corporate Social Strategy initiative at BYU, which focuses on the role of business and markets in elevating humanity. She teaches on this topic in the BYU MBA program.
Selected Publications
- "The Value of Being Nonprofit: A New Look at Hangman's Contract Failure Theory", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2024
- "Reimagining Nonprofits: Sector Theory for the 21st Century", Page 443, Cambridge University Press, 2024
- "From Profit Maximization to Social Welfare Maximization: Reclaiming the Purpose of Business and Business Education", Futures, Edition 2, Volume 150, Page 12, 2023
- "The Social Meanings of the Third Sector: How Action and Purpose Shape Everyday Understandings of “Nonprofit”", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Edition 2, Volume 52, Pages 327-345, Sage, 2023
- "Wealth as the Path to Heaven or Hell: A Latter-day Saint Perspective on the Spirit of Conscious Capitalism", The Spirit of Conscious Capitalism, 2021
- "Public Value Governance: A Framework", The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant, Palgrave, 2021
- "Values and Motivation: An Introduction.", The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant, Palgrave, 2021
- "Centralization and Decentralization: Compatible Governance Concepts and Practices.", Oxford University Press, 2020
- "Sector Choice and Sector Regret", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Edition 3, Volume 48, Pages 492-512, 2019
- "Optimism and Bias When Evaluating a Prosocial Initiative", Social Science Quarterly, Edition 3, Volume 100, Pages 666-677, 2019
- "Nonprofit collaboration and the resurrection of market failure: How a resource sharing environment can suppress social objectives", Voluntas, Edition 4, Volume 28, Pages 1500-1528, 2017
- "An Institutional Theory of the Nonprofit: Toll Goods and Voluntary Action", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Edition 5, Volume 45, Pages 97-115, 2016
- "The Public Values of Political Preference", International Journal of Public Administration, Edition 1, Volume 39, Pages 63-73, 2015
- "Sector Choice: How Fair Trade Entrepreneurs Choose Between Nonprofit and For-Profit Forms", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Edition 4, Volume 44, Pages 832-851, 2015
- "Public Service Values: A new approach to the study of motivation in the public sphere", Public Administration, Edition 2, Volume 92, Pages 375-405, John Wiley, London, Arjen Boin, 2013
- "Faculty research-driven vs. community-driven experiential learning in the quantitative public administration curriculum", Journal of Public Administration Education, Edition 4, Volume 18, Pages 775-796, 2012
- "The Reformer’s Spirit: How public administrators fuel training in the skills of good governance", Public Administration Review, Edition 5, Volume 72, Pages 710-720, 2012
- "Government Contracts With Private Organizations: Are There Differences Between Nonprofits and For-profits?", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Edition 4, Volume 42, Pages 689-715, 2012
- "The Centralization/ Decentralization Paradox in Civil Service Reform: How Government Structure Affects Democratic Training of Civil Servants", Public Administration Review, Edition 1, Volume 69, Pages 116-127, 2008