Head shot of Barry Brewer

Barry Brewer

Associate Professor of Global Supply Chain,
Marketing and Global Supply Chain
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Barry has a variety of industry and academic experience. He has 20 years of industry experience a logistics officer with the United States Air Force in many different positions and locations. In addition to being an associate professor at the Brigham Young University Marriott School of Business, he has held academic positions at the Air Force Institute of Technology, the United States Air Force Academy, the University of Wyoming and New Mexico State University. He currently teaches MBA and undergraduate supply chain and operations management courses. Barry has a history of working with companies to enable student success. At New Mexico State University he was the director of the Center for Supply Chain Entrepreneurship and at the University of Wyoming he led the University of Wyoming Innovation, Strategy & Entrepreneurship initiative.
His research interests are in the areas of humanitarian disaster response, energy supply chain management, outsourcing, supply chain trust, and the new product development interface with supply chain management. His research has been published in the Journal of Supply Chain Management, The Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, The International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, The Journal of Cleaner Production, and The International Journal of Production Research.


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