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Jeff Dyer (Ph.D UCLA), is the Horace Beesley Distinguished Professor of Strategy. He was ranked #1 on a list of most impactful management scholars in the world (by Academy of Management Perspectives based upon citations and Google searches to his name) among those who received their Ph.D’s after 1991. He was also ranked as the 4th most cited management scholar from 1996-2006 and his “Relational View” article in Academy of Management Review was the 2nd most cited article in business from 1998-2008. Jeff is the only strategy scholar to have published at least 7 times in both Strategic Management Journal and Harvard Business Review. His Harvard Press book, The Innovator’s DNA, has been published in 15 languages and is a business bestseller and his research has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Economist, Fortune, BusinessWeek, and the Wall Street Journal.
Selected Publications
- "Strategic Management: Concepts and Tools for Creating Real World Strategy, 2nd Edition", Edition 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2024
- "Why innovation depends on intellectual honesty", MIT Sloan Management Review, Edition 3, Volume 64, Pages 66-72, MIT, Boston, MA, 2023
- "Individual Performance and Taking on Firm-Specific Roles: The Case of Business School Associate Deans", Academy of Management Journal, 2021
- "Overcoming the Innovator’s Paradox: How Entrepreneurs and Innovator's Win Buy-in for their Ideas", Sloan Management Review, Edition Fall Issue, MIT, Boston MA, 2020
- "Beyond Team Building", Page 200, Wiley, New York, 2020
- "Innovation Capital: How to compete--and win--like the world's most innovative leaders", Pages 250 pages, Harvard Business Review Press, Boston: MA, 2019
- "“When Your Moonshots Don’t Take Off: How science fiction and other conventional tools can fire the imagination and lead to breakthrough growth.”", Harvard Business Review, Boston MA, 2019
- "Innovation Capital: The secret ingredient behind the world's most innovative leaders", Forbes, 2018
- "The Relational View Revisited: A Dynamic Perspective on Value Creation and Value Capture", Strategic Management Journal, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2018
- "“Leading Your Team into the Unknown: Great Leaders Empower their Organizations to Innovate.”", Harvard Business Review, Edition 4, Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, MA, 2014
- "The Innovator's Method: Bringing the Lean Start-Up Inside Your Organization", The Innovator's Method: Bringing the Lean Start-Up Inside Your Organization, Harvard Business Review Press, Boston: MA, 2014
- ""The Secret to Unleashing Genius."", Forbes, Edition 3, September, Volume 192, Pages 96-102, Forbes, 2013
- "Team Building: Proven Strategies for Improving Team Performance 5th Edition", Wiley; Josey Bass, 2013
- "The Innovator's DNA", The Innovator's DNA, Page 296, Harvard Business Review Press, Boston MA, 2011
- "Competing Against Free", Harvard Business Review, Pages 104-111, Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, MA, 2011
- "The Determinants of Trust in Supplier-Automaker Relations in the U.S., Japan, and Korea: A Retrospective", Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 42, Pages 24-34, 2011
- "The Innovator's DNA", Harvard Business Review, Pages 60-67, 2009
- "Entrepreneur Behaviors, Opportunity Recognition, and the Origins of Innovative Ventures.", Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Volume 2, Pages 317-338, 2008
- "Strategies to Crack Well-Guarded Markts", Harvard Business Review, Pages 84-92, 2007
- "Relation-Specific Capabilities and Barriers to Knowledge Transfers: Creating Relationship through Network Relationships", Strategic Management Journal, Volume 27, 2006
- "Human Capital and Learning by Doing as a Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage", Strategic Management Journal, Volume 25, Pages 1155-1178, 2004
- "When to Ally and When to Acquire", Harvard Business Review, Pages 109-115, 2004
- "Using Supplier Networks to Learn Faster", Sloan Management Review, Volume 45, Pages 57-63, 2004
- "The Role of Trustworthiness in Reducing Transaction Costs and Increasing Information Sharing: Empirical Evidence from the United States, Japan, and Korea.", Organization Science, Volume 14, Pages 57-68, 2003
- "How to Make Strategic Alliances Work", Sloan Management Review, Volume 42, Pages 37-43, 2001
- "Creating and Managing a High Performance Knowledge-Sharing Network: The Toyota Case", Strategic Management Journal, 2000
- "The Determinants of Trust in Supplier-Buyer Relations in the U.S., Japan, and Korea.", Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 31, Pages 259-285, 2000
- "The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Interorganizational Competitive Advantage", Academy of Management Review, 1998
- "Specialized Supplier Networks as a Source of Competitive Advantage: Evidence from the Auto Industry", Strategic Management Journal, 1996
- "How Chrysler Created an American Keiretsu", Harvard Business Review, 1996
- "Dedicated Assets: Japans Manufacturing Edge", Harvard Business Review, 1994
- Assistant Professor, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1993–1999
- Consultant and Manager, Bain & Company, 1984–1988
- BYU Marriott School Outstanding Faculty Award, Brigham Young University, 2010
- Journal of International Business Best Paper in a Decade Award, Association of International Business, 2010
- The Innovator's DNA received the McKinsey 2nd place Award for Best Article in Harvard Business Review in 2009., McKinsey & Company and Harvard Business Review, 2009
- Citation Award: 2nd most cited article in Economics and Business, 1998-2008, Science Watch, Essential Science Indicators from Thomas Reuers, 2008
- Business Policy & Strategy Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, 2004
- Shingo Prize Research Award for Collaborative Advantage., Shingo Prize Committee, 2002
- Best Paper Prize, McKinsey/Strategic Management Society, 1999