Peter Ward
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Dr. Peter Ward is an Associate Professor in the Department of Experience Design Management at Brigham Young University. His research interests include exploring what attributes contribute to designing meaningful experiences, measuring the impact of experiences on participants through new methods, and developing models that categorize different experience types. Ward teaches a wide variety of classes around experiences. Some of these classes include Experiential Marketing and Experience Insight. In addition, Ward takes students around the world on study abroads that help them to see and experience how different cultures design, implement, and experience different type of experiences. When Ward is not doing research or teaching, he is often found in the mountains with his family skiing, hiking, or climbing.
Selected Publications
- "Measuring Extraordinary Experiences: Development of Memorable, Meaningful, and Transformative Experience Scales", 7 Experience Summits, 2021
- "Developing the Experience Impact Scale: A Qualitative Study Using A Study Abroad and International Internship Program", Journal of Leisure Research, Taylor & Francis, 2021
- "Designing Experiences at Holocaust Memorial Sites", Dark Tourism and Pilgrimage, Pages 224-246, CABI, Wallingford, Daniel H. Olsen and Maximillano E. Korstanje, 2020
- "Development and validation of the outdoor activity profile (OAP)", Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, Volume 36, Pages 227-241, 2018
- "From ordinary to extraordinary: A framework of experience types", Journal of Leisure Research, Edition 3-5, Volume 49, Pages 196-216, 2018
- "The mediating effects of autonomy, competence, and relatedness during couple leisure on the relationship between total couple leisure satisfaction and marital satisfaction.", Journal of Leisure Research, Edition 5, Volume 48, Pages 349-373, 2016
- "Paper/Pencil versus online data collection: An exploratory study", Journal of Leisure Research, Edition 1, Volume 46, Pages 84-105, 2014
- "The satisfaction with family life scale.", Marriage & Family Review, Edition 5, Volume 49, Pages 446-463, 2013
- "Influences on active family leisure and healthy lifestyle among adolescents.", Leisure Sciences, Edition 4, Volume 34, Pages 332-349, 2012
- "Positive youth development within a family leisure context: Youth perspectives of family outcomes.", New Directions for Youth Development, Edition 130, Pages 29-42, 2011
- "Measuring marital satisfaction: A comparison of the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale and the Satisfaction with Married Life Scale", Marriage and Family Review, Edition 4, Volume 45, Pages 412-429, 2009
- "Urban American Indians: Predictors of father’s active and passive engagement with their children", Social Work Research
- Spanish