Competitions & Activities

Students in the BYU Marriott MBA program are invited to participate in case competitions—a competition between teams to see who can develop and present the best solution to a real-world problem.

Participating in case competitions is a great way to earn valuable experience, further strengthen a résumé, and gain recognition with the host company or organization.

Faith and Belief at Work Case Competition

The MBA program hosts an annual interfaith case competition that brings together MBA students from across the nation with diverse faith and belief systems in order to solve some of the most pressing challenges facing Fortune 500 companies today. Over four days, students solve real-world business issues, network with professionals and recruiters, receive training from industry leaders, and explore the Provo area. More information for participants and sponsors can be found at Faith and Belief at Work Case Competition. 

Miller Competition Series

Second-year BYU Marriott MBA students lead the Miller Competition Series. Students take on the role of venture capitalists in screening and judging viable business plans. They are also responsible for marketing and operations.

Supported by the Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, the Miller Competition Series is open to all BYU graduate and undergraduate students who wish to submit ideas for new businesses.

Social Enterprise

Each May, before beginning their summer internships, a number of BYU Marriott MBA students have the opportunity to participate in a social venture consulting project. These projects give students the opportunity to apply their skills in numerous developing countries to help socially minded organizations improve services to their clients. In the past, students have worked in Ghana, Mexico, Mozambique, Paraguay, and Peru with organizations in the fields of microbusiness, health, education, and employment. Working with these organizations is especially effective at helping students understand the theory and practice of economic self-reliance. Some funding is made available to assist students with the costs of these learning experiences.

Social Venture Competitions

BYU Marriott MBA students can also get involved in BYU’s annual Social Venture Academy. The competition provides an opportunity for students to share their interests in local, national, and global social issues. Students work with faculty, practitioners, and professionals to develop and implement business plans that meet social needs in areas such as healthcare, poverty, education, energy, and agriculture. Winning teams earn more than $50,000 in prize money.

Case Competitions

BYU Marriott MBA students are encouraged to put their skills to the test at national and international case and business competitions. Over the last few years, our MBA students have placed at the following competitions:


Field studies provide valuable consulting opportunities at BYU Marriott. Consulting projects are typically completed by a team of four or five graduate students under the direction of a faculty advisor with expertise in the addressed area. Field study teams work on projects in almost any business discipline, including marketing research, strategy, finance, operations and supply chain, and global business. Recent clients include Microsoft, Intel, Dow Chemical, Dell, Black & Decker, and the state of Utah.

Numerous field study projects require students to travel abroad in order to gain an understanding of a business’s needs in a particular country. Students in the past have been sponsored to travel to countries such as Brazil, Chile, China, Mexico, and Switzerland.