Travel Study

BYU Marriott MBA students have a broad range of travel opportunities, from study abroad programs to recruiting conferences and investment seminars. Students are encouraged to take advantage of these unique opportunities.

International Travel Study


The MBA Asia study abroad gives participants a comprehensive overview of trends in business currently at play and an in-depth view into companies currently operating in the region. Students see firsthand the strategies companies have pursued to take part in the explosive growth of Asia in places such as Japan (Tokyo), Thailand (Phuket, Bangkok), Myanmar, Cambodia (Siem Riep), Hong Kong, and China (Beijing, Shanghai, Tibet)—and how these companies have adapted to the ever-changing business, social, and political environments. Along the way, the group visits large multinational corporations, government-owned enterprises, and emerging local businesses in diverse industries, including finance, manufacturing, product development, marketing, and logistics. 


This study abroad visits a variety of countries in order to compare and contrast cultures, business practices, and management styles. Students meet with executives from a variety of industries and are exposed to different cultures in order to understand how US businesses must adapt to be successful in overseas markets. Past trips have included stops in England, France, Spain, and Morocco.


Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, and London serve as a campus for 10 enlightening days in a program designed for students to learn about international real estate investment and the challenges facing global investors. Attendees learn about real estate investment from a global perspective through meetings with executives at prestigious firms and visits to numerous properties. Sightseeing highlights include the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Anne Frank House, Big Ben, and the Palace of Westminster.


The Ghana program consists of two courses: a preparation course (MBA 688: Social Innovation, 1.5 credit hours) and the in-country experience and reflection course (MBA 693R: Special Topics in Management, variable credit). The goal of the course is to prepare students to spend their time in-country, working as a team, gathering high-value primary data for a client, and compiling insights into a final deliverable. The in-country experience and reflection course includes approximately 15 days in Ghana following up on the content and data previously studied. Students will also learn firsthand about global business in Africa.


Students explore and contrast business operations in Chile, Costa Rica, Panama, and Peru. Visits cover diverse industries including finance, manufacturing, product development, marketing, and logistics. In addition, trips to cultural sites—including museums, temples, and monuments such as the Panama Canal and Machu Picchu—are included.


This social enterprise seminar is a sharply focused, six-week experience sponsored by BYU Marriott’s Whitmore Global Business Center. Classes are held at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School, where students learn the skills, theory, and practice of social innovation, responsible entrepreneurship, and ethical leadership. The seminar gives students a chance to work on an actual social enterprise project and attend the annual Oxford Business and Poverty Conference. Students then fly to India to continue implementing and refining the project on-site.

National Recruiting Trips

Each year, the BYU Marriott MBA career management team organizes informational career networking and exploration events with companies around the country and across industries. These trips usually involve employer site visits, industry panels, and meetings with alumni. These trips are often coordinated through well-placed alumni who help to ensure great visibility and engagement via career panels, roundtables, and alumni networking. Trips have included visits to companies such as Amazon, American Express, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Hershey, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Nike, and PwC, among others. 

Annual trips usually include:

  • Silicon Valley tech trek
  • Consumer packaged goods trip to the Midwest or Northeast
  • Northwest trip
  • Career conference trip

The team also supports and helps coordinate student-led trips as well.



Before the beginning of the school year, students in the marketing track travel to Moab, Utah, with a group of professors and corporate recruiters. It is a time to connect as a group, network with one another, and have an incredible time in one of Utah’s natural playgrounds.


Students in the strategic human resources track travel to the Snake River in Idaho with HR and leadership professors and corporate recruiters as the school year begins. The river-rafting trip is a time for students to connect as a group and network with recruiters.

Student Conferences


The National Association of Women MBAs (NAWMBA) holds a conference for all women pursuing an MBA. The purpose of the association is to empower women in business. The conference is an ideal opportunity for students to network with other MBAs from around the country.


The National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA) Conference is open to MBA students of every ethnic background to gain exposure to recruiters from around the world.


Prospanica holds a conference every October that is open to recruiters from around the world. It is a perfect opportunity for students of every ethnic background to build networks and gain exposure to a large number of career options.