Admissions at a Glance

Factors for Admissions

The BYU Marriott MBA program is high quality with low tuition. Because of this and other reasons, admissions into the program is highly competitive. Here are four factors the admissions office considers when determining admissions:

  • Work Experience
    • Two years is the minimum and four years is the average in positions that typically would require a degree. Most examples of working during studies strengthen an application but do not count towards the required experience. Progression is strongly preferred, which can be seen in earning a promotion, winning an award, taking on bigger projects, etc.
  • GPA
    • 3.5 is the average for admitted students.
    • 680 is the average GMAT score for admitted students.
    • Starting in November 2023, the GMAT Focus test is available for candidates and will fully replace the original GMAT test in early 2024.
    • We recommend that students take the new GMAT Focus.
    • Please know that scores between the two tests are not equivalent (a 680 on the old test does not equal a 680 on the GMAT Focus). We do not have data on GMAT Focus scores, but a 680 on the old test is roughly in the 83rd percentile. Please refer to the GMAT Focus score concordance to learn more.
    • Test scores are a major component in the awarding of scholarships for the program.
    • In exceptional cases, there is a test waiver application process available.
  • Personality/fit
    • The ideal classroom consists of students who are professional, confident, and accomplished; but who are also team players and will contribute to the overall classroom experience.


BYU Marriott MBA applications open on October 1 for the next fall intake. Once an application is complete, you will hear a decision within three weeks knowing if your application was deemed competitive on paper and qualifies you for an interview. After the interview, a letter of admissions or rejection will be issued within two weeks.

Any questions can be directed to