Application Information

BYU Marriott offers 10 limited-enrollment undergraduate programs. These programs are highly competitive. For more information, please see below.

Application Requirements

General Information

  • You may apply to a maximum of three undergraduate programs at once.
  • Academic (GPA measures) and holistic (essay and résumé) criteria are evaluated in the admissions process.
  • Entry is competitive; not every student who satisfies the minimum criteria will be guaranteed acceptance.
  • Students are required to rank their program preferences (these preferences will not be shared with the admissions committee.)
  • Switching BYU Marriott majors is not allowed once accepted.
  • By accepting admission, students commit to a junior core during the upcoming fall semester and to subsequent coursework in sequence according to the program’s flowchart.
  • According to university policy, students must declare a major before reaching 60 credit hours. Students can declare a temporary pre-business major. Declaring the pre-business major is not required for admission. We recommend you consider declaring an alternative major that you could pursue if not admitted to a BYU Marriott program to ensure timely graduation. Students should apply to BYU Marriott before accruing 90 credit hours.

Application Criteria

The table below summarizes what components are required for each application.

*Students interested in the B.S. Business Management degree should contact the Advisement Center and request to meet with a Pre-Business Academic Advisor (non-student) to learn more about the program and application. A meeting is required before opening an application.

Program-Specific Grade Criteria

Repeated and Transferred Prerequisites

  • The application process discounts repeated and transferred prerequisite courses to provide the admissions committee with a more objective evaluation of applicants.
  • This discount does not change the actual grades on your transcript; it is displayed only on your application.
  • The standard discount for transferring or repeating prerequisite courses is one grade step (e.g., A to A-).

Non-Transferable Courses

We will not evaluate transfer requests for the following courses:

  • IS 201: Introduction to Information Systems
  • IS 303: Introduction to Computer Programming
  • FIN 201: Principles of Finance
  • M COM 320: Communication in Organizational Settings
  • ACC 310: Principles of Accounting 2

P/W Grades and Retaking Courses

  • W grades do not count as course completion, so a prerequisite course with a W will need to be retaken.
  • If a student retakes a prerequisite course in which a P/W grade was received in Winter 2020, the future grade will not be discounted in calculating the future prerequisite GPA.
  • If a student is retaking a prerequisite course in Winter 2020 and the retake grade is a P, programs will review the optional personal statement regarding COVID-19 and its impact on the associated P grade rather than use the prior grade.

Transfer Students

  • We recommend having a competitive letter grade in at least two prerequisite courses when applying.
  • For transfer students whose first semester is Winter 2020, the same GPA admissions criteria will be used, and we recommend completing the optional personal statement regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the application to explain any extenuating circumstances.


  • Each undergraduate program requires an essay. For more information, please see our Essay Tips.


  • Each program, with the exception of accounting, requires a résumé submission. Review the BYU Marriott résumé guide here. Download the general BYU Marriott résumé template for reference. Use a free software tool called VMock to get automatic feedback on your résumé’s formatting and content that is tailored to the BYU Marriott program of choice.

    Note: We suggest listing pre-business in the education section on your resume, regardless of your current major. You do not need to be declared a pre-business major in BYU’s system before applying.

Video Interview

  • Some programs require an online, asynchronous video submission. This occurs in a third-party software application called HireVue that allows applicants to film their responses to interview questions using a smartphone or webcam. Video interview questions are similar to the written essay questions.

Application Deadline

Applications are due on the last business day of June at 4:30 p.m. MDT.

Admission Statistics (2024)

Program ApplicantsAdmittedEnrolledAverage Prereq GPAAverage BYU GPA
Entrepreneurial Management16481603.353.46
Experience Design and Management2591841353.553.59
Global Supply Chain Management3632071373.673.65
Human Resource Management143130663.563.57
Information Systems3492822413.813.74
Strategic Management324136993.893.84
Strategy Minor1614123.783.76