By spending a semester studying at BYU, you can increase your opportunities for future success and build connections that will impact your career. Studying abroad will also expose you to new perspectives unattainable anywhere else.
The Student Exchange Program (SEP), sponsored by the Whitmore Global Business Center, allows you to study at Brigham Young University while only paying tuition at your home institution. SEP was established in 2006 between the BYU Marriott School of Business and three universities in China, Mexico, and Brazil. Today, SEP has expanded to include universities in France, Germany, Hong Kong, Peru, Portugal, and Spain. Administrators on those campuses want to help students take advantage of studying abroad and provide students with learning opportunities outside their own country.
We have developed a direct enrollment program, ensuring students can focus on their international business education and transfer courses back to their home institution without losing credits. SEP offers students a way to leave their campus and study in the United States without jeopardizing their graduation goals. SEP provides life-changing opportunities to students interested in BYU Marriott. Through the SEP, you can study for up to two semesters at BYU, a unique institution with a high expectation of students who attend. It is a great place to experience higher education in the United States. Challenging courses, state-of-the-art facilities, and a welcoming environment help meet your academic and personal needs and interests.