Experience Design and Management News  BYU Marriott RSS News Feed

  • BYU Marriott Names Mat Duerden as New Department Chair of Experience Design and Management Wednesday Jun 26 2024

    BYU Marriott School of Business dean Brigitte Madrian has announced the appointment of Mat Duerden as the new chair of the Department of Experience Design and Management. Duerden succeeds Neil Lundberg, the previous department chair, on July 1, 2024.

  • Peak Perspectives Thursday May 09 2024

    Each fall Peter Ward, associate professor of experience design and management (ExDM), leads his students as they climb Rock Canyon’s rugged walls. So whether in rock-climbing classes amidst breathtaking scenery or ExDM research classes within the walls of the BYU Marriott School of Business, Ward teaches students how to interlace academic and spiritual studies.

  • Singing a New Tune Wednesday Apr 10 2024

    Macy LeCheminant began college in Arizona with plans to become a professional vocalist, but a challenging medical condition altered those plans. Now at the BYU Marriott School of Business studying experience design and management, LeCheminant allows her optimism to shape her opportunities.

  • Experience Design Study: Attending Campus Devotionals Increases Student Sense of Connection Monday Mar 04 2024

    A growing body of research shows that a student’s sense of belonging can have a significant positive impact on academic performance, retention and mental health. With that in mind, professors at BYU and Texas A&M recently asked BYU students how they anticipated their experiences on campus would impact their feelings of connectedness to BYU.

  • Conquering the Crux Tuesday Feb 27 2024

    In his first semester at Brigham Young University, Aaron Scribner sustained severe facial injuries in a grisly zip-lining accident. He then overcame a steep recovery and found a renewed drive to positively impact others.

  • From Campus to Tundra Tuesday Nov 14 2023

    This past summer a group of ExDM students and faculty from BYU Marriott traveled through the Alaskan frontier. For two weeks, the class camped across the state to learn how exposure to nature and practicing grit can help them improve quality of life.

  • Zipping through Experiences Tuesday May 23 2023

    Katelyn Bell, a senior in the ExDM program at BYU Marriott, helped plan the launch for the Sorensen Center for Moral and Ethical Leadership, which included a zipline across Brigham Square on campus.

  • Finding Common Ground for Action Tuesday Apr 25 2023

    With the goal to enrich belonging on campus, the Experience Design Society (ExDS) and the Marriott Inclusion Business Society (MIBS) co-hosted "Sit with Me," an event focused on practicing collaborative dialogue.

  • Family History Knowledge Helps American Adolescents Develop Healthy Sense of Identity Tuesday Mar 07 2023

    A new BYU study found that individuals who had the healthiest identity development also had high levels of family history knowledge.

  • Thriving through Experiences Friday Feb 10 2023

    The BYU Marriott School of Business welcomed the international Experience Research Society (EXPRESSO) for its third annual Seven Experiences Summit in the fall 2022 semester. More than 100 people from eight different countries attended the society’s first in-person event.

  • The Call of Leadership Wednesday Feb 08 2023

    When she was in fourth grade, Michaela Horn wanted to run for class president. So when the sign-up sheet landed on her desk, she wrote her name down. Then she noticed the name of another student also running for president, and doubting herself, Horn erased her name off the list. Now an experience and design management (ExDM) student and the program’s student association team lead, Horn is grateful for the confidence and empowerment she has gained since the fourth grade to follow her aspirations.

  • Evolving Career and Content Friday Jan 06 2023

    Neil Lundberg, the chair of the Department of Experience Design and Management, has witnessed the Experience Design and Management (ExDM) program change and evolve. As the program transitioned into what it is today at the BYU Marriott School of Business, Lundberg has adapted alongside it.

  • Joy in the Journey and Destination Tuesday Dec 06 2022

    As a student at the BYU Marriott School of Business in the then-fledgling experience design management program (ExDM), Breck Laing broadened his career opportunities by developing transferable business skills. Now with his job at Destinations, a travel company that specializes in corporate retreats, the 2013 alum expands other people’s worlds and opportunities. 

  • Creating Solutions Monday Oct 17 2022

    As an artist and musician, Alexa Fox wanted a career that would enable her to use her creativity. Fox discovered the experience design and management program at BYU Marriott and, now a senior, is using the program's blend of creativity and business skills to prepare for a career in consulting.

  • The Hill Family Is Alive with the Sound of Music Friday Sep 23 2022

    At the BYU Marriott School of Business, seniors are not the only ones looking for a final project. After teaching at BYU Marriott for 23 years, experience design management professor Brian Hill started searching for a culminating capstone to his career. As part of that pursuit, Hill applied for and received a Fulbright scholarship to teach at the University of Salzburg in Austria.

  • Staying in the Game Monday Sep 19 2022

    Being the head coach of the BYU men’s extramural soccer team means Brandon Gilliam is often stretched to the limits of both his time and resources. However, the BYU Marriott recreation management and youth leadership alumnus stays in the game because he can think of few things better than helping young people develop their passions.

  • Taking the Classroom to Europe Friday Aug 26 2022

    Thirty experience design and management students traveled to Europe this summer to climb glaciers, see puffins, and participate in immersive games and performances. These activities were part of a BYU Marriott School of Business study abroad program dedicated to furthering students’ understanding of how to design memorable experiences.

  • A Lesson Learned in Stuttgart Monday Jun 06 2022

    While serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Stuttgart, Germany, Ross Storey was planning on being a graphic designer when he returned home. However, a conversation with a stranger he met on the street led Storey to change his plans, which eventually resulted in him working at the Provo Missionary Training Center and teaching as an adjunct experience design and management professor at the BYU Marriott School of Business.

  • Connecting Curriculum to Career Tuesday May 24 2022

    Many students feel apprehension as college graduation approaches, particularly about the hunt for full-time employment. Students in the experience design and management (ExDM) program at the BYU Marriott School of Business are no exception. To help ease students’ stress, ExDM faculty added a new section to its ExDM 490R: Topics in Experience Design and Management course during the winter 2022 semester, a section that was so successful that the department plans on turning it into a new course.

  • Building New Opportunities Sunday May 08 2022

    While she enjoyed being a student teacher for high school history, Jasmine Townsend realized she wanted to spend more time outdoors. Through a master’s degree in youth and family recreation from BYU, Townsend learned she could continue to teach while also having the chance to be outside.