International Internships

If you have thought of doing an internships overseas, we are here to help. There are three types of internships:

  1. Programs through the Kennedy Center that you pay to participate and they help you find the position. During these programs you will also take classes and earn credit.
  2. Find your own experiences. These may be found through your network or job boards online. These can be harder to find, but you may be able to find paying or supplemented position.
  3. Third-party providers are also available. However, we do not partner with any of those programs and cannot provide any recommendations.

No matter which version you opt for there are opportunities out there.

Available Internships Through The Kennedy Center

The Kennedy Center does offer a series of internships through several programs seen below. The internships are somewhat flexible according to your desired work and education preferences. However, you can ask that your internship be business in nature.

Click on a program below to be redirected to the program information page.

Expense vs Income

Securing paid internships abroad can be quite challenging due to visa regulations of the country you will be visiting. While it is possible, most students are not paid or they received help covering their living costs by the employer in lieu of payment. The programs listed above are not paid and do have a cost associated with them.

If your internship is truly business in nature, whether one you find on your own or one of the above, the Global Business Center can help with covering the costs of your flights to and from your destination. This is currently available courtesy of the Centers for International Business Education (CIBER) grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

If you are doing a business internship, it will qualify to help you earn the Global Business Certificate. If we help you with funding, we will also ask you to complete an online version of MSB 430: Introduction to International Business which is the fundamental and required class for the Global Business Certificate.

You can visit the Global Business Center to learn more.