Social Innovation

Enhance your impact on the world by participating in the largest university-run social impact program in the world. The Ballard Center for Social Impact exists to teach students how to solve social problems. 

The Ballard Center matches students’ personal skills, major, and interests with worthwhile educational experiences. Students take on a wide variety of social issues, including refugee resettlement, equal rights, human trafficking, prison reform, and more. 

Solve the world’s most pressing social problems through various opportunities provided by the Ballard Center:

  • Attend events and club meetings to learn how to “Do Good. Better.” 
  • Enroll in classes and learn how to leverage your skills with frameworks for social change.
  • Participate in internships to build your resume and solve social problems.
  • Build a start-up or nonprofit through the Social Venture Academy to receive coaching and funding to turn your socially minded business ideas into reality.

Add meaning to your life, sign up for a Ballard Center Advisement session, and learn how you can use your major to solve social problems today!
