At BYU Marriott, we are committed to providing a safe, enriching, and meaningful experience for all our students. We recognize that each of our BYU Marriott students is unique and individual, and we embrace and value every student without exception.
Understanding that university life can bring challenges and pressures, we are committed to be aware of and listen to student concerns and, when needed, provide support for mental and emotional health.
Partnering with BYU’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), we offer a number of resources to help students manage stress and other challenges. For helpful information, guidance, and services, see the BYU CAPS website.
CAPS Support within the Tanner Building
At the commencement of Fall 2020 semester, a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) joined the BYU Marriott administrative team as our resident full-time wellness and prevention specialist.
Having a dedicated professional in the Tanner Building brings prevention, wellness, and counseling services closer to BYU Marriott students and provides them with more tools to navigate their paths to improved spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

To access CAPS support services:
- Make an Appointment.
- Complete the online form.
- Upon completion of step 2,
call CAPS at (801) 422-3035 and- Let them know you are a BYU Marriott student, and they will schedule you with Kimberly Sagers, whose office is in the TNRB, or one of the other mental health professionals.
- You may also schedule other CAPS services at this time.
- Attend therapy sessions in TNRB 470.