The entrepreneurship minor helps students explore entrepreneurship and obtain the skills necessary to start a business. Students learn how to come up with business ideas and then validate ideas to identify those that are most likely to succeed (or learn from failures when things do not work out). The minor helps students gain the know-how to start, run, and grow a business. Students can tailor the minor to a variety of goals, whether to start a small business, join a family business, commercialize new ideas, or build a larger company.
The minor is available to all BYU students who are not BYU Marriott majors. In some colleges, courses may be offered specifically related to your area of study that can also count toward this minor. To add the entrepreneurship minor, a student should visit their major’s advisement center and request to have it added to the student record. The courses do not have to be completed before declaring the minor.
The entrepreneurship minor is not available to BYU Marriott majors.
Click here to learn more about the classes in the entrepreneurship minor.