General Application Questions

Everything factors in—do not take any of the application requirements lightly. The admissions committee looks at the BYU GPA, prerequisite GPA, academic record, résumé, and essay when considering students for admission. Apart from academics and experience, the committee will consider your involvement in Finance Society, case competitions, NetTreks, and other achievements. For more information on application requirements, click here

Video: What is the most important part of the application?

Applicants who apply early may have the opportunity to be accepted into the program prior to the final June deadline. These applicants must apply by May 15th. Those not admitted during early admissions will be reviewed with the remaining applicant pool after the final June application deadline. No applicants are rejected from the program until final decisions are made in mid-July.

Between 230 and 250 students are admitted each year.

We take classes to learn. If you took a class and didn’t learn the material, you may think about retaking it regardless of the grade you got. But as a general rule, if you received a C+ or worse in any of ACC 200, FIN 201 or ECON 110, you should retake that class and do better to be a competitive applicant, preferable receiving an A or A-. This may also be true for the other potential prerequisite classes. If you did marginal in the class (B+, B, B-) but felt you understood the material, it is likely better for you to take a different, difficult class, and do well in it, rather than retaking the class you got the marginal grade in. Also consider that we do not consider applications from applicants with an average prerequisite GPA of 3.0 or below.

Video: Should I retake a class in order to get a higher GPA?

The finance program admits students every summer. The application opens on January 1st (the first business day of January) and will close at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 30th (the last business day of June).

Take FIN 180 (only offered winter semester, 0.5 credits). It is not required, but HIGHLY recommended. This a finance prep course that helps prepare you for networking, getting an internship, and more.

Join the Finance Society and start attending meetings. To join, go to this page: Scroll to then click on “BYU Finance Society” and click on “Register Now.” Freshman can join for free.

Get involved with the BYU Marriott School of Business! Participate in a case competition, do an on-campus or off-campus internship or participate in a stock pitch competition. For more information on on-campus internships, visit

Go on a NetTrek (networking trek) that is offered by the Finance Society. Email with all NetTrek questions!

Attend Pre-Finance Meet and Greets with placement director Tanya Harmon. These are hosted every Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. via Zoom. Call (801) 422-5800 to register. This is a Q-and-A-style meeting where you can ask about Finance Society, internships, admissions, etc.

None of these things are required. However, they are great ways to improve your application and prepare you for the finance program!

Finance Program

Finance electives generally have prerequisites that must first be taken, which are usually part of the finance core, but this depends on the elective.

No. BYU Marriott does not allow double-majors within the school or with another major outside the business school either.

We generally recommend taking ACC 200 before FIN 201, but it is not a formal prerequisite to FIN 201 and students have taken them concurrently.

Accounting traditionally constructs and audits financial statements, recording, and validating the financial history of the firm. Accounting primarily deals with financial accounting, managerial accounting, and tax accounting. Finance encompasses corporate finance, financial institutions, and investments. Corporate finance is similar to managerial accounting, but is more progressive, using the statements prepared by accountants to make investment and financing decisions to increase firm value. Financial institutions involve investment banking and real estate, and financial investments cover asset management and portfolio management.

Video: What is the difference between finance and accounting?

Here are some basic things you can study/practice to best prepare yourself for entry into the finance core.

  • Study basic statistics: mean, variance, standard deviation, correlation, covariance, univariate regression, and probability distributions.
  • Read the WSJ regularly and pay special attention to any macro-economic indicators you come across.  Consider using the FRED website to explore the indicators in more depth.
  • Get as proficient at Microsoft Excel as you can. Some excellent resources available include DIY tutorials on YouTube and Kahn Academy.

No, the finance program is not currently a STEM-designated program.


The prerequisite classes to apply to the program are ACC 200, FIN 201, and your choice of the following: ACC 310, ECON 110, GSCM 201 & 211 (must be both), IS 201, MATH 118, MKTG 201, or STAT 121. To view class flow charts on prerequisites and recommended courses, click here.

Everyone must take FIN 201 at BYU before applying to the finance major—no transfer credit is allowed. Applicants must also take ACC 200, but transfer credit is allowed. The third prerequisite class must be one of a menu of classes, but we strongly recommend it being ECON 110.

It is highly recommended that students take their prerequisite courses on campus. However, if there are extenuating circumstances, students can take prerequisite courses via BYU Independent Study. These courses will not be discounted on the application, but the grade must be posted to your transcript prior to the application deadline.

The prerequisite GPA we calculate for admission purposes will reflect the higher of the two grades and then reduce that by a third of a letter grade. For example if you got an A- and a B, it will appear as a B+ when we review your application.

The admissions committee considers the letter grades earned in all prerequisite classes as a part of the admissions decision-making process.

Look on your BYU transcript. If it shows the AP credit as being equivalent to a BYU course, it is equivalent to that course. Otherwise, it is not considered equivalent for the year in question.

The grade will be discounted by a third of a grade. For example if you got an A- at another university, it will appear as a B+ when we review your application.

Transfer Students

For more information on transfer courses, click here

For more information on transfer courses, click here.

First obtain an official transcript from your transfer school and see that it is sent to the BYU Registrar. Once this transcript has been received, it should show up on your BYU transcript. Make sure the transfer courses show as being equivalent to the appropriate BYU courses. Once it is listed as equivalent on your transcript or progress report, you may then list it on your application.

A policy petition form is used to determine transfer equivalencies not listed online or those within BYU. This form will be used only if the transfer course is not listed online or on your transcript. A progress report discrepancy form is used to reconcile anything missing from the progress report; use this when something is listed online but not on your transcript. To access these and other forms, click on the Forms option in your student tools.

Deferring Admission

If for any reason (mission, study abroad, internship, etc.) you must interrupt your continuous registration, you MUST complete a deferment request to be reviewed by the director of BYU Marriott undergraduate programs. No deferments, except for the purpose of a mission or active-duty military service, will be allowed for the student’s first semester in the program or between the consecutive fall and winter semesters of the junior core.

You may begin the program during the next fall semester. You must contact the finance program office in 610 TNRB before you may register for the appropriate classes and start the program. You can email

Internships and Careers

Corporate finance students are trained to work in large corporations, such as Dell, Microsoft, or General Electric. Students focusing on institutions typically work in investment banks on Wall Street and elsewhere, such as a company like Goldman Sachs. Other paths such as real estate, pension funds, and insurance funds are also available. Investment students learn to manage portfolios of assets in mutual funds with firms like Fidelity. To see the program’s latest placement profile, click here.

Very, very important. A great internship is critical for a subsequent great job placement.

Participation in BYU Marriott student organizations is a must for students who want to increase their knowledge and network outside the classroom. Finance Society is the flagship student-led organization for students interested in finance-oriented careers. Students should actively participate in at least one student association as these organizations are essential in preparing students for internships and jobs. 

BYU Marriott teaches a pre-PhD course for students interested in pursuing a PhD in finance. Students interested in pursuing a PhD in finance need to develop strong quantitative skills and a solid understanding of economics. We recommend students desiring a finance PhD to double major in economics and math and take the pre-PhD course as an elective. If you are interested in pursuing a PhD, we recommend that you contact one of the pre-PhD faculty advisors: Brian Boyer, Jim Brau, or Karl Diether.

Other Questions

First, contact the BYU Marriott Undergraduate Advisement Center in 460 TNRB to map out your graduation, verify prerequisite requirements, and ask general questions about the finance program. If you have further questions, contact the finance program office at 610 TNRB or

Contact the BYU Marriott Business Career Center at 446 TNRB or (801) 422-5800.

BYU Marriott laptop requirements can be found here.