Our finance alumni are often asking how they can stay involved and help our current finance students. Here’s some of the ideas we share with alumni who want to help.
- Become a mentor for a current finance student.
- Meet up with finance student groups on a NetTrek in your area. (Currently we have yearly NetTreks that go to New York, Dallas, Phoenix, San Francisco, LA/Orange County, and Washington, DC areas.)
- Talk to your company about sponsoring an event for finance students.
- Host a group of finance students for a company visit (either in Utah or on a NetTrek).
- Share internship and job opportunities with our placement director, Tanya Harmon, to assist with getting all of our finance students placed in positions.
- Come to one of our yearly conference events (Real Estate Conference, Financial Services Summit, or Corporate Finance Conference) and interact with current finance students and professionals.
- Engage in any other way that you think would be helpful.
If you would like to help in any of the above activities, please provide your information on the alumni engagement form and select your areas of interest. Our Finance team will then contact you as opportunities arise.
Donate to the Finance Program Pay It Forward Student Fund by clicking the button below. All donations will help train student leaders, support student travel, provide networking meals and student recognition/incentives, and much more. Money is a challenge in most organizations, and the finance program is no exception. We are grateful for even the smallest amount! You can set up a recurring donation, and your donation is tax deductible.
The BYU Marriott Finance program continues to be inspired by our incredible alumni. We love hearing about your adventures and accomplishments and are doing more than ever to keep everyone connected. If you would like to share your story with us, or nominate a BYU finance alumnus who we could write a story about, please click the button to submit the story idea form.
Click below to view recent alumni newsletters from the BYU Marriott finance department. Read about important events, what our students are doing, and faculty and admin changes within the program. We’d also welcome your involvement in the program. Check it all out!
- Finance alumni newsletter – Winter 2025
- Finance alumni newsletter – Summer 2024
- Finance alumni newsletter – Winter 2024
- Finance alumni newsletter – Summer 2023
- Finance alumni newsletter – Winter 2023
Update Your Info
To update your personal information, click here or call the BYU Alumni office at 1-800-437-4663.
Note that updates can take up to one week to appear in the directories.
LinkedIn Group
The official BYU Marriott Finance LinkedIn group is used exclusively by our current students and alumni. Here you can ask business or management questions, collaborate on startups, announce events and conferences, post jobs, stay connected with peers, reach out to the Finance network, and more. Our group is a closed group, so if you wish to join, please follow the instructions below:
- Visit the Finance group page (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4833647/)
- If you are not already pre-approved, follow the instructions to join
- Wait to receive a LinkedIn notification after your request has been vetted to ensure you are an alumni
- Accept the notification
In Provo?
Come and see Troy Carpenter, Director of the Peery Institute and our Finance Alumni Manager, in 635 TNRB. He would love to meet with you and help find a way for you to engage with our current students. Please email troy.carpenter@byu.edu.
Alumni Directories
LINKEDIN Alumni Directory
BYU Marriott finance students and Alumni are encouraged to include BYU Marriott in the education section of their personal LinkedIn profiles. Doing so not only increases the visibility of BYU Marriott, it also includes students and alumni in BYU Marriott’s LinkedIn alumni database, and is a powerful tool for networking and keeping up with other finance and BYU Marriott alumni.
BYU Marriott Alumni Directory
The BYU Marriott Alumni Directory is an excellent resource for everything from looking up former classmates to seeing which fellow alumni work in a specific area. You can also look up alumni by company or industry if you are researching a particular company.