Industry Internships Lead to Placement
Internships in the finance industry are huge stepping stones for job offers and placement upon graduation. They create an excellent opportunity for students to gain valuable work experience, network with companies, explore the finance industry, and consider various locations where they may want to begin their careers. Recruiting for these internships begins in the summer with focused efforts early in the fall semester. These recruiting opportunities are vital to secure internships that will start the following summer. Some companies come on campus early in the fall semester to find and recruit students for internships while others will give online interviews. The type of companies that recruit finance majors is as wide as finance is, and finance is found in every company, every industry, and every government.
In 2017-18, our finance students secured internships at over 150 different companies in all aspects of finance. Internships are an essential aspect of the finance program and emphasis is given to train students on recruiting for finance roles and career management in our Career Preparation class, and Finance Recruiting Guide. The Finance Society also counsels and role plays professional skills necessary to do well on résumés, presentations, interviews, etc. If students perform well during their internships, these opportunities can lead to full-time job offers upon graduation.
Best Practices for Internships
- Develop and edit your résumé in the BYU Marriott template (see sample)
- Actively participate in the Finance Society
- Practice interviewing skills with upperclassmen
- Identify your area of career interest and the target companies you would like to work for
- Contact alumni that work at your target companies and ask them for information about their job
Career Advisors
To schedule appointments, call the Business Career Center at (801) 422-5800 or visit the receptionists in 446 TNRB.
Check out this heat map of finance internship locations over the past three years: