Global and Community Impact Minor

As of Fall 2022, we are excited to announce the Global and Community Impact Minor, offered through the Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics.

The Global and Community Impact Minor is available for all BYU students seeking to learn more social impact skills and make a positive difference in the world. The required courses were intentionally designed to help empower and prepare students to make a sustainable difference in the nonprofit, government, impact investing, and corporate social responsibility sectors.

Students can request to add the minor by contacting their major’s academic advisement center.

Program Requirements 

Updated July, 2024 (Changes may take additional time to update in the BYU course catalog)

Credit Min 17 

Credit Max 19 

Requirement 1 — Complete 5 Courses (13 credits) 

MSB 375 – Social Impact 3.0 

MSB 376 – Social Impact: Leveraging Orgs 3.0 

MSB 377 – Design Thinking- Social Impact 3.0 

MSB 378 – Evaluating Social Impact 3.0 

MSB 381R – Social Impact Lectures – You may take once 1.0 

Requirement 2 — Complete 1 of 5 Courses (2-3 credits) 

MSB 471R – Social Venture Academy – You may take once 2.0v 

MSB 472R – Ballard Brief – You may take once 3.0 

MSB 474R – Creating Virtuous Orgs – You may take once 3.0 

MSB 475R – GoodMeasure – You may take once 3.0 

MSB 492R – Social Impact Projects – You may take once 3.0 

Requirement 3 — Complete 1 of 11 Courses (2-3 credits) 

Courses counted for requirement 2 do not double count here. 

EDLF 362 – Intro International Dev Ed 3.0 

EDLF 363 – Ed, Poverty & Community Dev 3.0 

FHSS 300 – Leadership Projects – 3.0 

GES 200 – Introduction to Global Environmental Studies – 3.0 

HLTH 480 – International Health 3.0 

IAS 220 – Intro Devel Stu 3.0 

MSB 471R – Social Venture Academy – You may take once 2.0v 

MSB 472R – Ballard Brief – You may take once 3.0 

MSB 474R – Creating Virtuous Orgs – You may take once 3.0 

MSB 475R – GoodMeasure – You may take once 3.0 

MSB 481 – Advanced Social Impact 2.0 

MSB 482 – Impact Investing 3.0 

MSB 483 – Advanced Impact Investing 3.0 

MSB 484 – Corporate Social Impact 3.0 

MSB 491R – Topics in Social Impact – You may take once 2.0v 

MSB 492R – Social Impact Projects – You may take once 3.0 

SOC 340 – Soc of International Development 3.0 

TMA 469 – Theatre Management 3.0 

Course Descriptions

MSB 375: Social Impact: Do Good Better – Focuses on the most prominent approaches used in social impact and social innovation. Learn more here
MSB 376: Social Impact: Leveraging Organizations – Identify how organizations, within and across government, nonprofit, and business sectors, can become broader vehicles of collective social impact. Learn more here
MSB 377: Human Centered Design Thinking for Social Impact – Apply a systematic human-centered approach to social innovation and creative problem solving. Learn more here
MSB 381R: Social Impact Lecture Series – Lecture by successful social entrepreneurs and employees of high-impact social ventures significant to social impact. Learn more here
MSB 471R: Social Venture Academy Consulting – Consult with other student social entrepreneurs in their ventures. Learn more here
MSB 472R: Ballard Brief – Write a Ballard Brief intended for publication. The Ballard Brief should reflect deep research and excellent writing on a social impact topic of wide concern to inform the general public on key issues and interventions. Learn more here.  

MSB 474R: Creating Virtuous Organizations – This course is a learn-do-become initiative in the Marriott School of Business that promotes the practice of virtuous business principles. Learn more here
MSB 475R: GoodMeasure – GoodMeasure is a learn-do-become initiative that focuses on the practice of social impact measurement. Learn more here.  
MSB 481: Advanced Social Impact – Focuses on the study of high-impact social benefit organizations in nonprofit, governmental, church, education, for-profit, and hybrid environments. Learn more here
MSB 482: Impact Investing – Impact investing markets, analysis, due diligence, and practice. Learn more here
MSB 483: Advanced Impact Investing – Advanced focus of impact investing due diligence and analysis methods. Learn more here
MSB 484: Corporate Social Impact – Introduction to corporate led efforts in social impact. Shareholder, management, and employee views of corporate social impact (CSI) efforts. Learn more here
MSB 491R: Topics in Social Impact – Current social impact-related topics varying by semester and section. Learn more here

MSB 492R: SIP – Direct, practical on-campus and off-campus experience interning and consulting with established and recognized social innovators and their social ventures. Learn more here

Register for Classes

For general questions, contact Ballard Center Advisement,

For substitutions, contact Chris Silvia,