Below are the student organizations associated with the strategic management major. These groups organize events, facilitate professional development, and represent the best way to get involved with strategy for any student at BYU. A list of all BYU Marriott School of Business clubs can be found here.
- Strategy Society
- The Strategy Society acts as the parent organization to all other strategy affiliated clubs. The society does not have regular meetings but facilitates all major-specific events such as socials, info sessions, and other activities. The Strategy Society operates through an elected presidency, chosen annually by the strategic management student body. It’s membership is made up of only accepted strategic management students.
- Corporate Strategy Association
- The Corporate Strategy Association strives to equip students with the skills and experiences necessary to pursue a career in corporate strategy. This is done through workshops, guest lectures, case competitions, and more.
- Management Consulting Association
- Joining the Management Consulting Association and utilizing its resources gives students a huge competitive advantage over the hundreds of BYU students who apply each year for positions with consulting firms.
- Product Management Association
- The mission of the Product Society is to develop association members as product management professionals and place them in product management internships and jobs.
- Women in Strategy Association
- The purpose of the Women in Strategy Association is to elevate every woman in business by fostering relationships within the program, enhancing professional opportunities, and creating a community of women pursuing strategy at BYU.