Extending an Offer
We realize employers have strict deadlines to find qualified employees, but we ask that employers adhere to our guidelines in order for applicants to make responsible and carefully considered decisions.
When offered a position, applicants shall be given a reasonable time period to respond. Avoid applying high-pressure techniques such as exploding salary bonuses and/or unreasonably short deadlines in order to persuade students or alumni to accept job offers.
Internship and full-time offers should remain open for four weeks from the date the offer was extended.
General Guidelines
- Internship offers should remain open for 2 weeks from the date the offer was extended.
- Full-time offers should remain open for 2 weeks from the date the offer was extended.
- Internship offers: Deadline set by employer and student.
- Full-time offers: Deadline set by employer and student.
MBA Guidelines
To provide the students enough time to make an informed and thoughtful decision, please follow these guidelines for extending offers:
Fall Semester (September–December)
- Second-year offers from internships: Offer open until 1 November or four weeks, whichever is later.
- Second-year offers from interviews (no internship): Offer open until 15 December or four weeks, whichever is later.
- First-year internship offers: Offer open until 15 December or four weeks, whichever is later.
Winter Semester (January–April)
- Second-year full-time offers: Offer open for four weeks.
- First-year internship offers: Offer open for four weeks.
Open, professional communication with any employer extending an offer of employment is encouraged and expected. When offered a position, applicants shall respond to employers with an acceptance or declination within the timeframe(s) stated above or by the mutually agreed upon date. Practices such as unnecessarily extending deadlines and/or failure to respond to employer communications are unacceptable.
Rescinding an Offer
If a firm must withdraw an offer for any reason, contact the Business Career Center as soon as possible so we may offer assistance to the firm and the student.