Please fill out this parking check-in form, so that your car is able to be cleared for parking. This one-time registration is valid for one week.
Recruiters who have registered their vehicles are allowed to park in lots 40A, 40G, 39A, and 16A. For the parking lot map, visit map.byu.edu.
If you cannot complete this parking form before coming to campus, please bring the following information with you to the Business Career Center when you check in:
- Make
- Model
- Color
- License Plate Number
- State of Registration
Note: You are liable for any citations you receive if you fail to provide all the necessary parking information.
Arrive 30 minutes before your office hours begin. Check in at the Business Career Center, room 410 Tanner Building (see building map). A client success specialist will escort you to your room and help you set up. We are excited to welcome you to the BYU Marriott School of Business!
You are responsible for making your own catering arrangements and will need to work directly with the vendors.
BYU has a list of approved caterers for BYU-sponsored events to give you some ideas.
Note: BYU Food To-Go is an on-campus vendor. If using BYU Food To-Go, you can use the short notice menu which includes items that can be ordered before noon the day before. If using other catering options, all orders must be placed at least three business days in advance.
Students are asked to RSVP for events. You may access the RSVP list at any time by logging into Handshake and selecting “View Attendees” from the “Event.” Contact the Client Success Team if you require assistance.
Note: RSVPs aren’t always an accurate representation of attendee count.
VIP Guests
Will a VIP be accompanying you? Please email us at msbcareercenter@byu.edu. We would be happy to help provide an effective experience for you and your VIP.
Please review the Tanner Building policies before your visit. If you have questions, reach out to your assigned client success specialist or the team at msbcareercenter@byu.edu or (801) 422-1924.