Business Career Center Commitment to Belonging and Respect for All
Our aim is that every seeking student will leave BYU Marriott with a good job at a good company, prepared to lead and succeed in an increasingly diverse work environment. We promote Christlike values, behaviors, and actions that create an environment of belonging, and we commit to demonstrating respect for all the students and employers our center serves. We invest time to understand the stories and experiences of each individual, and we facilitate conversations to promote awareness, open-mindedness, and thoughtful engagement. We believe all are alike unto God, and we strive to be known for our efforts to develop students of faith, intellect, and character who exemplify Christlike leadership and service to others, at all times and in all places.
We seek to promote an environment of belonging and demonstrate respect for all our students by
- creating opportunities for students to increase their awareness and understanding of both the commonalities and the rich variety of individual characteristics, life experiences and circumstances, perspectives, talents, and gifts among us by encouraging students to engage in active learning with others;
- fostering an environment for students to share, listen, and have open dialogue where everyone feels valued and secure;
- collaborating with employers, faculty, and others in modeling respectful behavior, developing students’ self-awareness, and delivering training that will increase students’ ability to thrive in and to value a diverse and unified community and workplace; and
- identifying resources and developing strategies to enhance career opportunities for individuals from underrepresented groups.
We seek to promote an environment of belonging and demonstrate respect for the employers who use our services by
- making meaningful efforts to value the rich variety of individual characteristics, life experiences and circumstances, perspectives, talents, and gifts of students in ways that enhance the pool of prospective employees at BYU Marriott to meet hiring employer needs;
- supporting the education of students about the social climate and culture of today’s workplace; and
- connecting employers with individuals from underrepresented groups through campus events and student association activities.