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Fall 2019 Summer 2011 Summer 2017 Winter 2005 Winter 2015
The return on wellness programs is worth the investment, but organizations still have a hard time getting people fully engaged. New BYU Marriott research digs into which incentives are tied to the best wellness outcomes.
The blow-by-blow on how to promote peace in the workplace and negotiate through conflict.
Between scrolling through social media and searching on the web, we are bombarded with video ads every day.
Of the approximately one thousand cars, trucks, and SUVs on display at last year’s Los Angeles Auto Show, not one car featured the distinctive blue and silver logo of the Swedish automaker Volvo. Instead, visitors to the Volvo booth found a curiously empty stage, a banner that read, “Don’t buy our cars,” and a warm invitation to explore the company’s new subscription service, Care by Volvo.
In the next few months, workplaces across the country will celebrate some of the best-known holidays in North America, including Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Walking timidly into the Tanner Building for her first class of her freshman year, Melissa Trautman didn’t know what to expect from the class or from her future BYU experience. She hoped the course title, Creating a Good Life, would come to literal fruition, but she had no idea the significant impact the class would have on her life.
BYU is a special place. I go to a lot of universities, and there is nowhere else like this. I grew up here on this campus. My father was part of the BYU Marriott faculty for thirty years. There isn’t one part of the Tanner Building that doesn’t have a Smith mark on it somewhere.
Michelle Rhodes had been a widow for about eighteen months when she joined a Facebook group for Latter-day Saint widows and widowers that several people had suggested she join.
The National Advisory Council (NAC) is commemorating fifty golden years of helping the BYU Marriott School of Management shine. During this time, NAC members have provided wise vision for the school, generously funded programs, selflessly mentored students, and even made personal sacrifices to keep the school from closing its doors. To join in the jubilee, we’ve compiled this tribute of fifty facts, stories, and memories of the contributions NAC members have made to place the Marriott School at the top and extend the influence of BYU worldwide.
Most of you will never have heard of Andrew Skurka, but those who like to backpack will know the name. He was the 2007 National Geographic Adventurer of the Year.
Paper or plastic? Your response to this common query at the checkout line may be a matter of personal preference, but a debate continues over which method of packaging is more eco-friendly.
Do you get a daily case of the 3 p.m. slumps? The afternoon drive to drowse can be caused by dehydration, low blood sugar, or a low-protein lunch.
Jennifer Rockwood stepped onto BYU’s South Field and gazed numbly across the green turf. “What have I gotten myself into?” she recalls thinking. “Can I really do this?”
It’s good to be back at BYU. There’s not another campus in the world that I have visited half as often as BYU. For many years, EY has been the number one employer of BYU students, and most years BYU has been the number one source of candidates for EY. It’s a wonderful two-way relationship.