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Fall 2004 Summer 2017 Winter 2005 Winter 2006 Winter 2021
Exploring the Seen and Unseen Forces That Determine Corporate Culture
With its emphasis on teaching students to discover solutions to seemingly impossible problems, BYU Marriott's course Strategy 421: Strategy Implementation is one that Sherlock Holmes would have approved of.
With COVID-19 forcing schools around the world to adopt modified in-person, hybrid, or fully online instruction, the idea of homeschooling is gaining momentum.
Eric Weight’s alarm clock rang at 6 a.m. every morning, no matter the weather, no matter the month, no matter the holiday.
The National Advisory Council (NAC) is commemorating fifty golden years of helping the BYU Marriott School of Management shine. During this time, NAC members have provided wise vision for the school, generously funded programs, selflessly mentored students, and even made personal sacrifices to keep the school from closing its doors. To join in the jubilee, we’ve compiled this tribute of fifty facts, stories, and memories of the contributions NAC members have made to place the Marriott School at the top and extend the influence of BYU worldwide.
Most of you will never have heard of Andrew Skurka, but those who like to backpack will know the name. He was the 2007 National Geographic Adventurer of the Year.
Paper or plastic? Your response to this common query at the checkout line may be a matter of personal preference, but a debate continues over which method of packaging is more eco-friendly.
Do you get a daily case of the 3 p.m. slumps? The afternoon drive to drowse can be caused by dehydration, low blood sugar, or a low-protein lunch.
Jennifer Rockwood stepped onto BYU’s South Field and gazed numbly across the green turf. “What have I gotten myself into?” she recalls thinking. “Can I really do this?”
It wasn’t love at first sight when Mike Ward saw the fixer-upper on an overgrown lot in La Canada, a suburb of Los Angeles. But behind the weeds, worn siding, and faded paint, he saw something that intrigued him: potential.
It is one thing to say that ethics are essential in the business world, but it is another to put that concept into practice. In an environment where ethics are under constant attack, there are still some who strive to uphold high moral standards.