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Fall 2011 Fall 2015 Summer 2008 Winter 2019
Doing good even better is a tall order, but it’s one that BYU Marriott’s MSB 375 course, Social Innovation: Do Good Better, has successfully taken on.
Dean Brigitte C. Madrian often stands in the hallway leading to her new digs on the seventh floor of the Tanner Building and observes the atrium below.
It’s been called the Information Age, the Computer Age, and the Digital Age, but whatever the name, the last few decades have brought a whirlwind of change. Computers combined with the internet and technology offer unprecedented access to the world.
By the time a new smartphone lands in your hands, it has likely completed a journey around the globe that would make even the most well-traveled passports look skimpy.
Paris Fashion Week isn’t really Michael Hansen’s scene. He’s a sports-arena guy, feeling more in his element at a Final Four basketball game or a French Open tennis match.
An oral history of the 2015 Global Business Study Abroad
Hard work and a can-do spirit aren't enough. For minority entrepreneurs, the American ethos can be a hollow promise, especially when seeking small-business loans.
Fast-casual eateries like Shake Shack and Chipotle are gobbling up the fast-food market with sizzling IPOs and serious devotion from millennials. While these newcomers are racking up social media likes, older giants are trying to reconnect with hungry people in the digital age.
No mountain is climbed in a straight line. Looking at my path between 1994, when I graduated from BYU, and where I stand today, it is certainly not a clean line.
The roar of more than thirty thousand screaming fans had just been swallowed by an avalanche of noise from an F-22 Raptor and an F-15 fighter jet streaking overhead.
Debt: it’s a financial swear, and its influence reaches almost everyone. As if continually heralded by fluorescent warning signs, we’re counseled to “stay out!” But we’re not heeding that advice: American consumers collectively owe more than $11 trillion.
If the snooze button and a towering fountain drink are your morning panacea, you could be one of the millions of Americans who aren’t getting enough shut-eye. Fortunately, there is help—and it doesn’t involve another Diet Coke.
It started out as a nutty idea, says Jeff Wilks, director of the School of Accountancy. How could students really dive into the topics that current accounting professionals are dealing with?
Think of it as the barcode’s hip, tech-savvy cousin. QR (quick response) codes allow users to scan a black-and-white box with their smartphones and instantly link to data, videos, music, or a bevy of other knowledge.
At some point today you will type a phrase into Google’s search engine. A few seconds later, you’ll start scrolling through results. Chances are you’re going to click on one of the top links. And just like you, millions of people across the globe will be doing the same thing, entering other search terms into Google, Bing, or Yahoo! and clicking on whatever comes up first.