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Stories which can also be found in the print version of Marriott Alumni Magazine.

The Best Medicine

November 04, 2020
When her experience in one particular computer science class showed her the field wasn’t a good fit, Jeneen Wilson Garbe searched for a major that would allow her to blend her love of technology with other skills. She landed on information management, graduating with her BS in 1990, and would later blend her technology skills with another field: the pharmaceutical industry.
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Seeing Needs, Filling Needs

November 04, 2020
You don’t meet a lot of people who can introduce themselves as inventors, but as the holder of sixty patents, Marty Rasmussen certainly can. He’s also a real estate developer, business manager, and “serial entrepreneur.” At age twenty-two, Rasmussen started his first venture with an objective befitting an inventor’s company: “We take ideas, develop them, put them into production, and market them on a national scale,” says Rasmussen.
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The Levite, the Priest, and the Good Samaritan in a World of Racial Injustice

November 04, 2020
The many instances of some- times lethal violence and discrimination against Black people that have been widely publicized in the news media in the last several months have been deeply disturbing to me and
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A Blend Of Both

November 04, 2020
America’s Founding Fathers may have been an inspired bunch who forever changed the world, but they definitely aren’t known for diversity.
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Coping With Covid-19

November 04, 2020
On 12 March, BYU announced that classes would be canceled through March 17 and then resume completely online. This unprecedented decision came as COVID-19 reached pandemic levels.
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Fraud: One of Life’s Tests

October 12, 2020
This BYU Marriott course covers fraud prevention, detection, investigation, issues, and methodology, and includes an examination of past frauds.
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Like a Lightning Strike

July 14, 2020
Almost every May, between four hundred and seven hundred people, attend a Norwegian Constitution Day celebration at the International Peace Gardens in Salt Lake City and enjoy traditional Norwegian lefse flatbread and Solo orange soda. For more than a decade, the chair of the event’s committee has been 1995 business management grad Steve Affleck, who doesn’t have even a bit of Norwegian ancestry.
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Empowering Families Like Hers

July 14, 2020
Discovering your career niche can be difficult, but for Hannah Richards Michaelsen, her role found her. After her family began receiving much-needed support from a nonprofit organization, Michaelsen joined the organiza- tion and began to provide that same service to others.
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Becoming Gift Card Girlfriend

July 14, 2020
In the late 1980s, Usenet was still popular, the World Wide Web wasn’t yet available to the public, and Shelley Hunter was in an information management class where she heard her professor say, “Five years out from your degree, you won’t be doing anything you think you’re going to be doing.” The professor was likely referencing how technological advancements would transform the information management industry. But in Hunter’s case, the shift would come later and from a different source.
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A Career in the Alps

July 14, 2020
In September 2019, the Alps produced a plethora of mushrooms—more than Greg Witt has ever seen. You tend to notice things like that when you spend most of your summers hiking through the Swiss landscape.
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Authored By Our Own

July 14, 2020
Reading books is almost a daily occurrence in the world of higher education. Writing books, however, is not nearly as common. Yet many of BYU Marriott’s faculty members have managed to pen chapters full of wisdom.
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A Cyber Attack Escape Room

July 14, 2020
Imagine hacking into a Furby, picking a lockbox, shooting targets with Nerf guns, diving into piles of (clean) trash, and sliding under string “laser beams,” all with the end goal of identifying—and then fixing—vulnerabilities in a wireless computer security system.
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Joy, Truth, and Brass Rings

July 14, 2020
Unless you are either unusually lucky or incredibly unlucky, and in most cases even then, most of your careers will not be composed of drama.
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The Great Deceit

July 14, 2020
New research from BYU Marriott professors takes a close look at what imposter syndrome is — and how to conquer it.
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Designing A Weekend Worth Talking About

July 14, 2020
You walk into the office on Monday, breakfast in hand. Then your coworker leans over and asks how your weekend was, and your mind goes blank.
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The Game Changer

July 14, 2020
It’s possible that Clarke Miyasaki’s success can be traced back to the card game Uno. But not just your basic game of Uno.
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At-Work Workout

July 14, 2020
All right, listen up! No matter your job, you can bring the gym to work or home by deskercising—engaging in exercises fit for a cubicle or living room.
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Now or Never

February 26, 2020
At the age of forty and with nine children at home, Gloria B. Larkin decided to go back to school and finish her undergraduate degree. The fact that she was busier than most college students didn’t sway her choice in major: accounting, a rigorous program at BYU Marriott.
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