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Ballard Center

BYU Marriott’s Ballard Center for Social Impact is the world’s largest university program focused on social impact.

TEDxBYU 2017 Videos Now Viewable

July 12, 2017
How do I find purpose? How do we cure cancer? How can I best learn from my mistakes? These were just a few of the hard questions addressed at TEDxBYU 2017.
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Ask An Alumni: Jeff Roberts

July 10, 2017
As part of a new series, the Ballard Center is giving students the opportunity to ask alumni questions and career advice. This piece features Jeff Roberts of Self-Reliance Services/PEF.
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Sam Cobbs: Social Innovator of the Year

April 14, 2017
As a homeless college student, Sam Cobbs was humiliated while he stood in line to get food stamps. Welfare services said he would need to drop out of college if he wanted their aid, but he knew that college was his only chance at escaping poverty.
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Closing the Digital Divide for Refugees

March 31, 2017
For Vikram Ravi, making a difference isn’t a far-off dream—it’s his reality.
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Closing the Digital Divide for Refugees

March 31, 2017
For Vikram Ravi, making a difference isn't a far-off dream. It's his reality. Ravi's experiences with the Ballard Center helped him land a position as a digital literacy and access VISTA (Volunteer in Service to America) for the AmeriCorps program.
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Graphic Design Students Make a Splash

March 31, 2017
BYU professor Linda Reynolds sees the skills she teaches as more than a mixture of aesthetics, images, symbols, and words her design classes teach students to do good better.
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Promoting Life-Saving Rats

March 28, 2017
An SIP team from the Ballard Center is spreading the word about a little animal doing a huge amount of good.
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Y-Prize Winners Help Cambodian Infants

January 24, 2017
The project to market infant ventilators for hospitals in developing countries hit close to home for members of the winning team and is moving in its goal to save lives.
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Lost Boys of Sudan Visit BYU

October 27, 2016
In conjunction with the Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance's Peery Film Festival, the BYU Health Science Department was honored to host three Sudanese refugees, at the film showing of "Lost Boys of Sudan."
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Changemaker Film Competition Shares Solutions

October 26, 2016
BYU alumna Emily Brand won the Ballard Center's first Changemaker Film Competition for her short documentary depicting one social innovator's work to combat hunger.
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October 11, 2016
When two young missionaries lost the trail while hiking Mont Pelée, a volcano on the French Caribbean island of Martinique, Reid Robison had to act quickly. After receiving the news that the two young men had gone missing, Robison, then president of the West Indies Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, immediately flew to Martinique from mission headquarters in Trinidad and brought in twenty additional missionaries from surrounding islands in the mission to help search alongside the local police force.
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Solving Problems One 'Stoplight' at a Time

August 03, 2016
Thanks to the Ballard Center, BYU students had the opportunity to utilize their skills in the research and development of a survey that is tackling poverty.
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Sign Up for Ballard Scholar Program

April 08, 2016
The students were each honored for their academic performance, leadership maturity and a commitment to high ethical standards.
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The 2016 SISC Ends in Showdown

March 14, 2016
The Social Innovation Solution Competition started with more than twenty competitors and culminated in a showdown between two teams; but the finale didn't exactly end as anticipated.
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5 Ways to Get Involved in the New Year

January 04, 2016
If one of your New Year's resolutions is to make a difference, the Ballard Center of Economic Self-Reliance can help you reach your goals.
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Y-Prize Newborn Challenge Kickoff

December 09, 2015
In the newest Y-Prize Challenge, students can save millions of babies from respiratory-related deaths in developing countries by breathing new life into a real, viable business model.
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New Best Venture Winners

November 16, 2015
After a fierce showdown, the Social Venture Academy announced the two newest winners of its Best Venture Competition: SimpleCitizen and Haedrian Labs.
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New Video Highlights Effort to End Poverty

October 12, 2015
Ballard Center students interning with Self-Reliance Services/Perpetual Education Fund are working to eradicate poverty around the world.
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