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Ballard Center

BYU Marriott’s Ballard Center for Social Impact is the world’s largest university program focused on social impact.

Ballard Center Students Innovate Recycling

July 23, 2018
Recyclops, a recycling company started by a BYU Marriott grad, teamed up with Ballard Center students to provide an Uber-like recycling service to rural communities.
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Robots: A New Method of Learning

June 07, 2018
EI Robotics, a company started by BYU students, has created an interactive robot to help children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) learn foundational skills.
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Apps Can’t Empathize; Humans Can’t Scale

May 24, 2018
Nine cars filled with siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins followed Alexandra Bernadotte's vehicle in a caravan as she arrived at Dartmouth as the first college student in her family.
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TEDxBYU 2018 Videos Now Live

May 24, 2018
Helping underserved kids go to college, medical labs on a microchip, and creating engaging work environments are only a few of the TEDxBYU 2018 presented ideas that teach and inspire.
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The Road to Change

April 04, 2018
Four BYU students put the brakes on human trafficking in Mexico through the Ballard Center's on-campus Social Innovation Projects.
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New Resource To Inform Social Impact

March 30, 2018
Ballard Brief, a new online publication from the Ballard Center, provides information and answers for everyone from everyday innovators to professional social entrepreneurs to learn more about issues they are interested in.
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Save Environment While Fighting Poverty

March 15, 2018
If you eat rice regularly, you are one of the more than 3.5 billion people worldwide who consider rice a food staple. Rice may be a commonplace pantry item, but growing rice can actually produce an inordinate amount of organic waste.
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Alumni Tips on Doing Good Better

February 22, 2018
Todd Manwaring, director of the Ballard Center—a center dedicated to helping students Do Good Better—gives advice on how to make a real impact with social issues you care about.
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The 5 Most Popular TEDxBYU Talks

February 22, 2018
The Ballard Center's annual TEDxBYU event brings speakers from all around the world to deliver groundbreaking, unique messages.
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Student App Creator Helps Ghanaian Teachers

February 20, 2018
When BYU graduate student Cade Dopp learned about an inefficiency in the Ghanaian education system, he decided to use innovation to intervene.
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Do Good. Better in Your Relationships

February 13, 2018
The Ballard Center has a growing influence on BYU campus and around the world, but what most don't realize is that it also impacts the relationships of its employees.
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How a Street Vendor Changed My Life

February 07, 2018
As we walked down the street, we saw a girl about my age with dark hair, dark eyes, and brown skin just like me selling beautiful beaded bags. What really made us different?
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New Internship Encourages Innovation

January 23, 2018
BYU's new on-campus internship allows students to earn class credit while working for leading companies in the field of corporate social responsibility.
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Alumnus Innovates for Low-Income Students

January 18, 2018
In a rural, low-income community in Granville County, North Carolina, a group of AP calculus high school students came to class to find no teacher. The situation didn't just continue for a few days the class sat teacherless for over two months.
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Kisoa Farms: Creating Jobs in Madagascar

December 06, 2017
After five missionaries from the Madagascar Antananarivo Mission returned home, they felt compelled to give back to the people they had lived and worked with for two years.
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A New Do Good. Better FHE

December 01, 2017
Paper, tape, scissors, pipe cleaners, and cookies. These were some of the items used during the Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance's new family home evening event.
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Investing in Social Change

November 20, 2017
Regardless of students backgrounds or majors, the Ballard Center's Impact Investing Program teaches them the fundamentals of determining which companies will be financially successful and create real social change.
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Students Tackle Homelessness

November 13, 2017
One hundred college students, ten days, and one social problem to solve. Students across campus came together to creatively provide a realistic solution for Lava Mae, a nonprofit serving those experiencing homelessness.
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