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Fall 2006 Fall 2023 Summer 2006 Summer 2010
Practical Tips for Finding a Healthier Work-Life Balance
How Professors Are Embracing ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom
Huddle up: the third and final piece in Marriott Alumni Magazine's preparedness series looks at community preparedness.
From a young age, Melissa Larson developed a love of reading and learning, and set the goal of graduating from a university. However, as the first person in her family to pursue higher education, she wasn’t sure what it would take to achieve her goal.
You could say that Gerald “Jerry” Petersen earned his master’s degree in marketing from BYU because he loved to sing.
BYU Marriott’s Management Communication 320 course helps shape students into powerful presenters and storytellers, which impacts their trajectories.
Voluntourism is an attractive option for those who want to immerse themselves in new cultures while making a difference. It’s a lucrative industry but not all experiences are beneficial across the board.
Avid readers are always looking for their next tome. But even if you don’t consider yourself a bibliophile, here’s your chance to find a great read and get lost in its pages. Some of our Marriott School faculty, staff, and students share their favorite books. No more excuses. . . it’s time to read.
If you are like most people, getting up and out the door on time can be nothing short of a miracle.
Give Gary Williams ten minutes to explain Cougar Capital and you’ll be sold. Give him an hour and you’ll not only want to invest but you’ll wonder why more universities aren’t doing the same thing with their business programs. And if you give him two years as an MBA student at the Marriott School you’ll develop such a diverse portfolio of knowledge and skills in venture capital and private equity you might just make a career of it.
The word stress was coined only eighty years ago, yet it is a feeling most people experience every day.
It’s 9:58 p.m. in a small, dark theater. The audience members, an eclectic mix of fashionistas and film fanatics, sit whispering, their faces washed in the green glow of the theater’s exit signs.
Bruce Hymas and his teammates had sixteen connectors, fifty-four sticks, and three minutes. The task: build a tower that holds up a golf ball—and make the tower taller than everyone else’s.
While watching televised highlights from the Olympic Games in Vancouver, I heard a memorable line from an insurance firm’s commercial: “Will this be known as the great recession or the recession that made us great?” This is good marketing copy and also a profound question. We are, indeed, looking out on a wintry economic landscape, and we are deeply concerned about our students and many others who are struggling to make headway with employment.
It added a slice of humor to Cherie Jones’ day when a co-worker spilled an entire Big Gulp on her keyboard. “I was totally laughing,” she recalls. Her co-worker wasn’t. Jones, a 2001 MAcc graduate and business tax auditor for Loudon County, Virginia, says her colleague panicked as she searched for napkins to salvage the keyboard. Big Gulp or deli sandwich, Jones’ co-worker isn’t the only one whose workstation doubles as an eatery.