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Fall 2011 Summer 2003 Summer 2004 Summer 2011
Think of it as the barcode’s hip, tech-savvy cousin. QR (quick response) codes allow users to scan a black-and-white box with their smartphones and instantly link to data, videos, music, or a bevy of other knowledge.
At some point today you will type a phrase into Google’s search engine. A few seconds later, you’ll start scrolling through results. Chances are you’re going to click on one of the top links. And just like you, millions of people across the globe will be doing the same thing, entering other search terms into Google, Bing, or Yahoo! and clicking on whatever comes up first.
It’s an often thankless job with bad hours and few days off. Running a home and keeping a family going may not require a board of directors, but that doesn’t mean it’s not demanding.
Not long after putting their pencils down on the last bubble sheet, many Marriott School students say good-bye to their final exams and to Y Mountain, leaving Provo in pursuit of internships and experience. 
A painted papier-mâché mask with a lively hodgepodge of primary colors and an obvious grin sits quietly in a Marriott School office, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the professor sitting only a few feet away. 
Former associate dean W. Steve Albrecht shares his experience as president of the Japan Tokyo Mission during the 2011 earthquake.
In 1961 a gallon of gas cost thirty cents, JFK was president, and Barbie was first introduced to Ken. And in the basement of the Jesse Knight Building something groundbreaking was happening: the BYU MBA was born.
Sumptuous. Decadent. Delightful.  Few words could more adequately describe a box of Lula’s Chocolates. Neatly perched inside each mahogany-colored package await aromatic round crèmes, salted caramels, square truffles, and nuts cloaked with melt-in-your-mouth cocoa. 
The idea had always glowed—however faintly—in the back of Steve Oldham’s mind. He jokes about it now, saying that just like every other missionary who returns from Brazil, he came home with dreams of starting his own Brazilian steakhouse.
It may sound like the concept for the next reality TV hit: give twenty-five undergrads nearly $1 million and turn them loose. But this is no TV show; this is a typical day in one Marriott School classroom.
Their remarks are as varied as their backgrounds, but the speakers share one thing: a desire to inspire the next generation of business leaders. Whether working in health care or in headphones, the NAC lecturers gave nearly 250 students a broader understanding of the business world’s day-to-day tasks. Enjoy the following excerpts from the lecture series’ inaugural semester.
Your credit score is a three-digit number with a large impact. Here’s how to keep your number looking smart and how to understand what goes into calculating your score.
There are bird watchers, and there are whale watchers, but I’m a genius watcher. I am fascinated by the intelligence of others. I notice it, study it, and have learned to identify a variety of aptitudes—even without my binoculars. 
It may be time to reset your browser’s toolbar. With nearly 300 million sites on the web (and counting), finding the best resources online can be a little paralyzing—that’s why we’re here. You might not be plugged into the following cool and innovative sites, but you should be.
Financial shocks may be in your forecast. Decisions now will determine how well you weather future storms.