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Fall 2010 Fall 2012 Fall 2015 Winter 2007
An oral history of the 2015 Global Business Study Abroad
Hard work and a can-do spirit aren't enough. For minority entrepreneurs, the American ethos can be a hollow promise, especially when seeking small-business loans.
Fast-casual eateries like Shake Shack and Chipotle are gobbling up the fast-food market with sizzling IPOs and serious devotion from millennials. While these newcomers are racking up social media likes, older giants are trying to reconnect with hungry people in the digital age.
No mountain is climbed in a straight line. Looking at my path between 1994, when I graduated from BYU, and where I stand today, it is certainly not a clean line.
The roar of more than thirty thousand screaming fans had just been swallowed by an avalanche of noise from an F-22 Raptor and an F-15 fighter jet streaking overhead.
If the snooze button and a towering fountain drink are your morning panacea, you could be one of the millions of Americans who aren’t getting enough shut-eye. Fortunately, there is help—and it doesn’t involve another Diet Coke.
Debt: it’s a financial swear, and its influence reaches almost everyone. As if continually heralded by fluorescent warning signs, we’re counseled to “stay out!” But we’re not heeding that advice: American consumers collectively owe more than $11 trillion.
It started out as a nutty idea, says Jeff Wilks, director of the School of Accountancy. How could students really dive into the topics that current accounting professionals are dealing with?
Every day our Marriott associates welcome three-quarters of a million people to one of our hotels around the world. Today I wanted to share with you our story and a few things I’ve learned about making the most of opportunities.
Professor Bill Baker’s forty-two-Year Quest to teach Presentation Skills 
The lemonade stands have shuttered, the swimming pools are empty, and the yellow buses are back on the roads.
From the mid-level marketing manager to the partner in a top accounting firm, Marriott School grads agree on at least one thing: their first jobs mattered. Despite the mistakes and invariable snafus, most grads look back in awe at how much these first experiences shaped their future successes.
After standing on one foot while trying to decide which printer to buy, students hobble out of 340 TNRB with some extra credit but without the slightest clue what their answers will be used for.
When the best time to talk with Jeff Strong is while he’s on his way to an airport, you know you’ve reached a busy person. Managing a full schedule is a responsibility that Strong may have mastered as well as anyone. For several years he was traveling nearly two hundred days a yearboth domestically and internationally—as global president and chief customer officer for Johnson & Johnson. “Looking back,” he says, “I don’t think anybody could have survived that time without being organized.”
It’s said in the academic world that professors live and die by their research. We’re pleased to report that many at the Marriott School are thriving. Regular publishing in some of the industry’s top journals has put them on the leading edge of business and made some stars in their fields.