Field studies is a project-oriented program where students meet in a classroom setting only six times per semester. The students work as a team for a company sponsor who gives direction for the project and pays a fee to the BYU Marriott School of Business. A faculty advisor provides project content direction and the director of field studies provides business expertise and guidance.
All graduate students participating in a BYU Marriott field studies project are required to register for one of the following classes:
Management Field Study (MBA 690R)
This section is a general field studies course open to all graduate-level BYU students. While MBA and MPA students are the primary participants, students from from engineering, psychology, and other graduate programs have also participated. MAcc and MISM students have their own field study classes but are also welcome to participate.
Marketing Field Study (MBA 651)
This section is a required marketing course taken by first-year MBA students with a marketing emphasis during winter semester.