Decorations for ROTC Program Participation

Superior Cadet Decoration Award
Most outstanding cadet in each year of MS at host institution and extension centers.

Region Commander’s Leadership Award
Most outstanding cadet in each regiment.

Camp Commander’s Leadership Award
Number one cadet in each company.

Platoon Leadership Award
Awarded to the number one cadet training platoon.

Physical Proficiency Award
Scores in top 10 percentile of points on the record physical fitness test.

Military Proficiency Award
Top 5 percent of cadets in each camp cycle.

Superior at Advanced Camp

Excellence at Advanced Camp

Advanced Camp Graduate

Region Ranger Challenge Winner
All members of the Ranger Challenge team which wins Region competition.

Brigade Ranger Challenge Winner

Ranger Challenge Team Member
Member of Ranger Challenge team.

SGT York Award
The cadet who does the most to support the ROTC program.

Drill Team
Member of the drill team.

Color Guard
Member of the color guard.

Battalion Commander’s Military Award
Battalion Commander’s discretion.

One-Shot-One-Kill Award
Shoot 40 out of 40 at Basic/Advanced Camp.

Bold Challenge
Battalion Commander’s discretion.

Basic Camp Graduate
Completed Basic Camp.

Dean’s List Award
Semester GPA 3.50–4.00

Cadet Honors Award
Semester GPA 3.20–3.49

Cadet Scholar Award
Semester GPA 2.90–3.19

Highest jump in Semester GPA
Most improved grades.

ROTC Honors
GPA of 4.0 in military science.

Battalion Commander’s Academic Award
Battalion Commander’s discretion.

Not currently used
Authorization remains with HQ, Cadet Command.

Not currently used
Authorization remains with HQ, Cadet Command.

Not currently used
Authorization remains with HQ, Cadet Command.

Not currently used
Authorization remains with HQ, Cadet Command.

Platinum Medal Athlete
Score 300 on APFT.

Gold Medal Athlete
Score 290–299 on APFT.

Silver Medal Athlete
Score 280–289 on APFT.

Bronze Medal Athlete
Score 270–279 on APFT.

Most Improved Award
Biggest increase in score since last APFT (a cadet may receive only once)

Battalion Commander’s Athletic Award
Battalion Commanders discretion.

Not currently used
Authorization remains with HQ, Cadet Command.

Battalion Commander’s discretion.

Battalion Commander’s discretion

Battalion Commander’s discretion

Battalion Commander’s discretion

Battalion Commander’s discretion

CTLT Ribbon
Participate successfully in CTLT.
Decorations from Fraternal & Social Organizations

1812 General’s Society

AFCEA Academic Excellence Award

American Legion Gold Academic Award

American Legion Silver Academic Award

American Legion Gold Military Award

American Legion Silver Military Award

American Veterans Outstanding Cadet Award

Reserve Officer’s Association Bronze Award

Military Order of World Wars Gold Award

Military Order of World Wars Silver Award

Military Order of World Wars Bronze Award

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sons of the American Revolution

AUSA History Award

AUSA Member

SAME Academic Award