Presented by Wilford Smith, commander of the American Legion
These awards are presented annually to outstanding MS III and MS IV cadets for general military excellence and scholastic excellence. For junior class winners enrolled in MS III, the award consists of a silver medal pendant with ribbon bar and ROTC crest or scholastic scroll. For senior class winners enrolled in MS IV, the award consists of a gold medal pendant with ribbon bar and ROTC crest or scholastic scroll.
Criteria for award for both MS III and MS IV cadet
- Demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship
- Be in the top 25 percent of the class in ROTC and academic subjects
- Demonstrate outstanding qualities in scholastic studies and leadership skills
- Be in the top 25 percent of the class in ROTC subjects
- Be in the top 10 percent of the class in academic subjects
- Actively participate in related student activities, such as student organizations, community activities, or sports
This award is presented annually to a worthy cadet for diligence in the discharge of duties and willingness to serve both God and country for the mutual benefit of all. The awarded cadet will receive a medal pendant and ribbon bar.
Criteria for award
- Be a full-time undergraduate in the advanced course
- Be in good standing in all military aspects and all scholastic grades
This award is presented annually to a cadet for demonstrating excellence in leadership and academics. The award includes a ribbon bar and a personally inscribed parchment certificate.
Criteria for award
- Be a US citizen
- Be a junior preparing to enter the senior year majoring in electronics, engineering, computer technology, mathematics, or information systems
- Demonstrate high academic achievement
This award is presented annually for the outstanding MS III cadet from each school that contributes most toward advancing the standing of the Department of Military Science. The awarded receives a medal pendant with ribbon bar and certificate.
Criteria for award
- Be enrolled in MS III
- Be in the top 10 percent in ROTC grades
- Be in the top 25 percent in academic grades
- Contribute, through leadership, to advancing the standing of the Department of Military Science.
This award is presented to an outstanding MS III cadet from each school that has shown excellence in the study of military history. The award consists of a medal pendant with ribbon bar and a certificate.
Criteria for award
- Be enrolled in MS III
- Be in the top 10 percemt in ROTC grades
- Be in the top 25 percent in academic grades
- Contribute, through leadership, to advancing the standing of the Department of Military Science
This award is presented annually to a worthy cadet for outstanding ability and achievement. The award consists of a gold medal pendants and ribbon bar.
Criteria for award
- Be a member of the graduating class
- Be in the top 25 percent of the cadets in the ROTC and academic subjects
- Demonstrate qualities of loyalty and patriotism, dependability and good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership ability, and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of ROTC training
This award is presented annually to a worthy cadet from each school for demonstrating academic excellence, dependability, and good character. The award consists of a gold medal pendant.
Criteria for award
- Be enrolled in MS I or MS II
- Be in the top 25 percent of the ROTC class
- Accomplish, by diligence or endeavor, a high degree of excellence in military history or related course
- Demonstrate potential for good leadership
- Demonstrate accomplishments reflecting the ideals of patriotism
This award is given to an outstanding MS IV cadet who shows the same characteristics as General Mormon. The awarded cadet will receive a small bronze statue of General Mormon.
Criteria for award
- Be enrolled in MS IV
- Demonstrate qualities of military leadership and academic leadership
- Exemplify the characteristics of General Mormon: strong leader, understanding, faithful, spiritual, diligent, hard worker
This award is presented to the most outstanding MS IV cadet who has demonstrated those qualities that epitomize the career of General George C. Marshall. The cadet will receive:
- A certificate designating the recipient as the winner of the George C. Marshall ROTC Award
- The official biography of General George C. Marshall written by Dr. Forrest Pogue
- The Commanding General US Army Cadet Command’s Two-Star Congratulatory note, along with his Coin of Excellence
Criteria for award
- Be enrolled in MS IV
- Complete advanced camp or equivalent
- Demonstrate leadership and scholastic qualities
Presented by Joshua T. Kallunki
This award is presented annually to an advance course cadet who exemplifies the great personal and leadership qualities of Col Kallunki. The cadet will receive:
- A tangible memento (plaque, certificate, or inscribed book)
- A permanent plaque housed in the ROTC building
- A biography of Col Kallunki
- A check of $100
Criteria for award
- Must be graduating or will graduate within one year of receiving the award
- Exemplify the qualities of Col Kallunki: encouragement, personal concern, motivation, integrity, good humor, competence, faith, and spiritual discernment
This award is presented annually to a cadet who has demonstrated scholastic excellence in military and academic subjects to stimulate the development of leadership. The award includes a bronze cross and a certificate.
Criteria for award
- Be a junior MS III cadet (MS IV cadets scheduled for mid-year graduation will be considered)
- Be in the top 25 percent of the ROTC and academics subjects
- Demonstrated qualities of military leadership and academic leadership
These awards are presented to an MS I, MS II, and MS III cadet at each school who has demonstrated outstanding military and scholastic studies during the entire school year. An MS I will receive a bronze medal; an MS II will receive a silver medal; and an MS III will receive a gold medal.
Criteria for award
- Must excel in all military and scholastic aspects of the ROTC program at time of selection and presentation. Can only receive the award once
- MS I – Be an outstanding cadet who plans to continue to serve in the Army ROTC unit next school year
- MS II – Be an outstanding cadet who plans to continue serving in the Army ROTC unit with a goal of becoming an army officer
- MS III – Be an outstanding cadet who desires to become a career army officer
This award is presented to any cadet for demonstrating excellence in academic and leadership skills. The award consists of a one-year membership to NDIA, certificate, medal, and a service ribbon to be worn on the uniform.
Criteria for award
- Be in the upper half of class in academics
- Maintain a B or above in the advance courses in ROTC
- Be rated in the top 20 percent of the unit in ROTC camp evaluation scores (a cadet who is otherwise eligible for this award but who will not attend camp until after completion of academic studies may be considered for the award, provided ROTC course standing is in the top 20 percent of the total ROTC enrollment)
- Participate actively in athletics and/or campus programs
- Demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities
This award is presented annually to an outstanding cadet from each school that has contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism within the Corps of Cadets and on the campus. The award consists of a ribbon and a medal pendant.
Criteria for award
- Be a sophomore MS II who has indicated intent to enroll in the advanced course or be a junior MS III
- Be in the top 25 percent of academic class
- Have encouraged and demonstrated the ideals of Americanism by deed and/or conduct
- Shown potential for outstanding leadership
- Cannot have previously received the award
Presented by Joe Bouley, LTC USAFR (Ret)
These awards are presented to an outstanding MS II, MS III, and MS IV cadet. The medal pendant is gold for MS IV cadet, silver for MS III cadet, and bronze for MS II cadet.
Criteria for award
- Have indicated a desire to continue in the ROTC program and obtain a commission
- Be in the top 10 percent of ROTC classes
- Have demonstrated outstanding qualities of leadership, moral character, and high aptitude for military service
The award is presented to a cadet in recognition of outstanding achievement in studies and distinguished attainment in the ROTC program. The award consists of a ribbon and certificate.
Criteria for award
- An academic sophomore MS II
- In good academic standing
- Of high moral character
This award is given to a meritorious cadet in recognition of outstanding leadership qualities, military bearing, and excellence, thus exemplifying the high ideals and principles which motivated and sustained our patriot ancestors. The award consists of a silver medal pendant with minuteman holding a rifle and a ribbon bar. The award may only be won once.
Criteria for award
- Be in good standing both militarily and scholastically
- Be enrolled in the first year of either the four-year or two-year ROTC program
- Show high degree of merit with respect to qualities, soldierly bearing, and excellence
Presented by Col. Thompson
This award is presented annually to recognize a MS III cadet who shows exceptional potential for military leadership. The award consists of a ribbon, bronze disc pendant, and a certificate.
Criteria for award
- Be an MS III cadet
- Be in good academic standing
- Be of high moral character
- Evidence of a high order of loyalty to his/her ROTC unit, college or university, and country
- Show exceptional potential for military leadership
This award is presented to the cadet who best represents the concept of service—to the battalion, the community, and the nation. A small brass mantle clock is given for this award.
These awards are presented annually to the outstanding ROTC cadet in each year of the military science program. The award consists of a lapel button, medal pendant with ribbon bar, clip with case, and DA Form 1773 (Citation for the Superior Cadet Decoration Award) signed by the Rgn Cdr.
Criteria for award
- Be a regularly enrolled ROTC cadet (MS IV cadets scheduled for midyear graduation will be considered)
- Be in the top 25 percent in ROTC and academic standing
- Demonstrate officer potential
Presented by Jim Ragan, LT Commander. Ret. and Virgil Reiske
This award is presented to the cadet who has excelled in the ROTC program. The award consists of a medal pendant and ribbon bar.
Criteria for award
- Be an undergraduate student in any MS class
- Be in good standing both academically and militarily
- Have demonstrated achievement and concentrated effort in military and academic subjects and/or demonstrated capability and diligence in a related activity of the ROTC program
- Cannot have previously received this award
This award is presented annually to a cadet who has demonstrated scholastic excellence in military and academic subjects to stimulate the development of leadership. One award is authorized for each 1,000 and fraction over MS III cadets enrolled with a region. The award includes a bronze cross and a certificate.
Criteria for award
- Be a junior MS III cadet (MS IV cadets scheduled for mid-year graduation will be considered)
- Be in the top 25 percent of the ROTC and academics subjects
- Demonstrated qualities of military leadership and academic leadership
This award is presented to the most outstanding MS IV female cadet in each region. The winner receives $500 and a three-year membership in the Women’s Army Corps Veterans’ Associations.
Criteria for award
- Be an outstanding female MS IV cadet or have already completed MS IV
- Be graduating from undergraduate or graduate school at the end of SY 00-01
- Have successfully completed the ROTC Advanced Camp or Nursing Advanced Camp
- Be in the top 50 percent of both military science and academic classes
This award is given to the outstanding military engineering student.
Criteria for award
- The institution must offer an undergraduate engineering curriculum accredited by the Accrediting Body for Engineering and Technology in the student’s discipline and award baccalaureate degrees (BYU only; SUU and UVSC do not offer four-year engineering degree programs)
- The cadet must be pursuing either a four-year or five-year engineering program. Cadets in five-year programs are eligible during their fourth and fifth years only
- The cadet must be in the upper 25 percent of engineering class. If order of merit is not available, then the cadet must have at least a B average in his/her math/science engineering courses
- The cadet must be enrolled in either of the last of next-to-last year of an accredited engineering curriculum. The cadet need not be in the corresponding ROTC class
- Curricula should be reasonably allied to military engineering but, if accredited, need not be civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering. For example, petroleum or architectural engineering would be acceptable, but management engineering would not
- The cadet must be in the upper 25 percent of ROTC class
- Each nominee must be recommended in writing by the battalion commander and by the dean of engineering as “The Outstanding Military Engineering Student of the Year” of his/her year group.