The ROTC provides cadets a social network comprised of students from a variety of majors and backgrounds. Social events help cadets get to know one another, learn military customs and courtesies, and relax.
Dining Out / Military Ball
As is customary in military units, the ROTC sponsors formal gatherings for cadets and their spouses. These formal nights out allow cadets to learn military customs and courtesies they will be expected to know when they arrive at their units after graduation. These events also provide cadets an opportunity to relax from their daily school routine. These events generally include dinner, a guest speaker, and some type of entertainment. In the past we have heard from generals, Medal of Honor recipients, government officials, comedy groups and more. Cadets normally wear their Class A uniform while cadre wear their Dress Blues. Dates typically wear a nice dress or suit.

In addition to formal events, many informal events are planned. These events include sports activities, paintball competitions, couples nights, wives club, and many more.