National Advisory Council

Robert L. Edwards

Robert L. Edwards

Membership Information:

Member Since: 2004


JoAnne P. Edwards


Job Title: Vice Chairman, Retired
Company: AB Acquisition LLC


  • corporate finance
  • retail grocery


Robert Edwards retired from Safeway/Albertsons Company. He was vice chairman of AB Acquisition LLC, parent company to Albertsons. He previously was CEO, president, director, and chairman of the executive committee of Safeway Inc.; executive vice president and CFO of Maxtor Corporation; senior vice president, CFO, and chief administrative officer at Imation Enterprise Corporation; and senior vice president at Santa Fe Industries. Robert and JoAnne serve on the North America West Area JustServe Council and oversee the JustServe Initiative for California and Hawaii. Robert earned his bachelor’s degree in accounting and his MBA from BYU. Robert and JoAnne have four children and many grandchildren.