National Advisory Council
Manoel Amorim

Membership Information:
Member Since: 2007Spouse:
Marcia AmorimContact Information:
Linkedin Profile:
Job Title: Cofounder & Partner/Partner & Investor/CofounderCompany: K2A Partners & Peak Capital Partners & MXF Investments
Location: Utah, United States
- international business
- marketing
Manoel Amorim is cofounder and partner of K2A Partners in Brazil, partner and investor at Peak Capital Partners in Provo, and cofounder of MXF Investments in Saratoga Springs. He was formerly president of the Portugal Porto Mission. He retired as president and CEO of Abril Educação. His previous work experience includes serving as president of Globex, president of Telefonica Brazil, president of America Online Brazil, and marketing director and general manager for Procter & Gamble’s Latin American division. Manoel earned his undergraduate degree in chemical engineering from the Military Institute of Engineering in Rio de Janeiro and his MBA from Harvard Business School. Manoel and Marcia have three children and ten wonderful grandchildren.