National Advisory Council

Todd Rowe

Todd Rowe

Membership Information:

Member Since: 2024

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  • Industry: Technology, in the artificial intelligence, digital marketing and e-commerce segments. Expertise in customer lifecycle, international expansion, scaling businesses.


Work summary: Lead teams in Sales, Marketing and Customer Operations at big tech companies (Google, Apple, Adobe, SAP) and startups. Active board member on public and private boards. Specialize in scaling businesses through product and market expansion. Hobbies: CrossFit enthusiast, aspiring surfer, oldest participant at most EDM music concerts. Education: Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. Mission and church service: Served in Guatemala. Currently serve in Stake Presidency of Menlo Park Stake. Family information: Happily married with 3 children, 2 who graduated from BYU Marriott School, 1 who graduates from BYU Marriott School this December.