Romney Institute Alumni Board
Dru Underwood, MPA 1994

Membership Information:
Member Since: 2023Employment:
Job Title: Deputy Legislative Auditor GeneralCompany: Legislature, State of Utah
Darin (or “DRU”) has been with the Utah Office of the Legislative Auditor General (OLAG) for over 29 years. He is passionate about the legislative institution and about staying connected to BYU and the RIPM. You might see the word “auditor” and immediately think, “Geek!” but don’t be too hasty because investigating the programs and policies of executive branch agencies (aka “performance auditing”), is the coolest profession ever. Let DRU convince you!
Many RIPM students interface with DRU in his role as hiring manager for OLAG. While he has spent a great deal of time recruiting RIPM students as they pursue internships and full-time employment in his office, he is happy to also be a general mentor to anyone. DRU is also very excited to represent the MPA Class of 1994! He lives with his spouse, Kim, in West Jordan, Utah. Their “empty nest” recently gave them the opportunity to join The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. They have been married for 31 years and have 5 children, two daughters-in-law and a grand puppy. He loves to run and hike outdoors so that he can (over)eat.