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2022 2017
April Teames Gantz, a senior in the user experience (UX) design program at BYU, finds joy through working with teams in the BYU Marriott's Rollins Center.
Everywhere you look, something or someone is being rated, and we can all agree that a positive rating is good, and a negative rating is bad. Or can we?
For the past three years, Elder Kim B. Clark has developed and taught a course on leadership and the gospel of Jesus Christ, titled Becoming a Disciple-Leader.
Less-than-rosy economic forecasts could mean changes on the horizon for how public pension systems are managed.
A purposeful approach to using your screen wisely.
Rebecca McCarron Greenhalgh is no stranger to smart wordsmithing, so it was unusual when she was suddenly speechless during an important Zoom meeting.
My wife, Amy, loves new experiences. In 2017 she convinced our family that we needed to travel five hours from Provo to eastern Idaho to see the full solar eclipse in person.
As the business world becomes increasingly data driven, professors in the MBA program at BYU Marriott want their students to graduate equipped with skills that will set them apart from their colleagues and give them a competitive edge in the workforce.
In 1822, linguist Jean-François Champollion translated portions of the inscription on the Rosetta Stone, a slab covered with hieroglyphics, characters, and Greek. His work helped decode an inaccessible language and popularize ancient Egyptian culture. Today translation continues to be essential for cross-cultural interaction.
It was a business proposition that would change the life of Stewart R. Walkenhorst. A colleague was closing up shop and asked if Walkenhorst would be interested in taking over some outstanding retail orders.
Tracey Evelyn Haslam, a 2001 BYU Marriott management grad, was shocked when she took her four children to visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC.
For a team of BYU Marriott marketing students, doing good in the community was more important than taking home the $20,000 first-place prize.
Growing up in Brazil, Marcelo Souza always had a passion for education.
A self-proclaimed "daddy's girl," Ruth Ann Jefferies followed her father into a public service career and has been blazing trails ever since.
Ronell Hugh's 2010 MBA from the BYU Marriott School of Business gave him the career path he was looking for, but other aspects of the program ended up being much more meaningful to him.
This summer, four BYU Marriott students were paired with financial literacy startup FinLit, allowing the students an opportunity to develop business and personal skills.
Chauma Jansen, BYU Marriott alumna and the executive director of American Indian Services, works to help provide education opportunities to those in her community.
As a child, Bethany Bahr loved riding on towering roller coasters, and her mom would joke that Bethany wasn't scared of anything.
"Curiosity killed the cat" has long been a phrase that discourages inquisitiveness and one with which Ben Iverson would disagree.
A life-changing conversation with a U.S. Army recruiter led Jack Sturgeon to join the military. Now, he does the same as an army recruiter at BYU.
Tyler Hardy was one day away from finishing his mission in Veracruz, Mexico, when he got an unexpected phone call. His older brother, Greg, had been seriously injured in a work accident.
Almost half of American adults don't meet recommended weekly physical activity levels, but new BYU research suggests a surprisingly simple way to help increase exercise time.
Jess Dansie Anderson works hard to reach and inspire more students across campus to become changemakers.
For Clay Posey, a professor of information systems (IS) at the BYU Marriott School of Business, two things his students do give him pause.