Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Management has achieved reaccreditation of its undergraduate, master’s and executive degree programs by recent action of the Board of Directors of AACSB International — The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The official announcement was made 7 April in Chicago, Ill.

“We’re pleased to be reaccredited by AACSB International, the premier accrediting body for management education,” said Ned C. Hill, dean of the Marriott School. “The reaccreditation process helped us focus more tightly on our mission and identify new metrics to evaluate and enhance our programs.”
In addition to reaccreditation in business management, AACSB International also separately reaffirmed the school’s accounting accreditation.
As of April 2002, there are 424 accredited members — 404 in North America, 13 in Europe, three in Asia, two in South America, one in Central America, and one in the Middle East. The Marriott School is also among 158 institutions that have achieved specialized accounting accreditation.
To achieve AACSB International accreditation, business programs must satisfy the expectations of a wide range of mission-linked quality standards relating to curriculum, faculty resources, admissions, degree requirements, financial resources, intellectual climate, and library and computer facilities.
During the reaccreditation process, business school deans and accounting educators from leading institutions such as Notre Dame, Wake Forest, Arizona State, University of Washington, and University of Illinois visited the Marriott School. The team evaluated the school by applying AACSB International accreditation standards widely accepted and adopted by the education and business communities.
The Marriott School participated in an experimental, AACSB-sponsored online reaccreditation process. “We were honored to have been chosen as one of the first nine schools to participate,” said W. Steve Albrecht, associate dean of the Marriott School and chair of the AACSB Accounting Accreditation Committee. “This experimental process utilizes web and database technology to provide accreditors with customized, detailed reports about the school. It also focuses directly on the school’s mission and continuous improvement process.”
AACSB International is a not-for-profit organization consisting of more than 800 educational organizations and corporations devoted to the promotion and improvement of higher education in business administration and management. Its mission is to provide global leadership in advancing management education through accreditation and by fostering international interchanges, key business linkages, sharing of best practice and professional development.
AACSB International, headquartered in St. Louis, Mo., is the premier accrediting agency and service organization for business schools.
The Marriott School is located at Brigham Young University, the largest privately owned, church-sponsored university in the United States. The school has nationally and internationally ranked programs in accountancy, business management, information systems, organizational behavior and entrepreneurship.The mission of the Marriott School is built on education, research, outreach and friendship. The school seeks to educate men and women who will become outstanding leaders in a global environment. Approximately 3,000 students are enrolled in the Marriott School’s graduate and undergraduate programs.
Writer: S. Wade Hansen