Utah Valley residents will have the chance to hear from Gov. Jon Huntsman, Jr. when he addresses the Brigham Young University community Thursday, March 31, during the Rollins Center for eBusiness' second winter semester eBusiness Day.

Gov. Huntsman will speak on economic development in the community and the role of e-business. The event is open to the community and will be held from 11 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. in the de Jong Concert Hall in BYU's Harris Fine Arts Center.
"Having Governor Huntsman speak will be the icing on the cake to a semester full of great speakers," says John Richards, managing director for the Rollins Center for eBusiness. "The governor is a well-known statesman and an engaging speaker who knows how to connect with university constituents. His discussion will help all of us understand where he sees the state's economy and the role of technology in the future."
BYU's Marriott School of Management houses the Kevin and Debra Rollins Center for eBusiness. The center, which is run by a mix of BYU faculty and students, works to stay abreast of technology and how it impacts people and business organizations. The semiannual eBusiness Day events are times when the center hosts seminars, lectures, workshops and competitions to help faculty and students be more familiar and involved with the electronic and technological business environment.
"We have had many excellent eBusiness Day speakers in the past including Stephen Covey, Kevin Rollins, Donny Osmond and most recently in October 2004, Patrick Byrne," says Beth Robinson, program manager for the center. "These speakers have covered topics such as the state of e-business, e-business in the entertainment industry and how to use technology and to raise humanity."
The Rollins Center for eBusiness is directed by Marriott School professor J. Owen Cherrington. The center fosters the study and teaching of how information technology is changing business and management processes. It serves as an intermediary between the high-tech business sector and BYU faculty and students - forming new partnerships and undertaking joint research projects. The center also works to attract and maintain the highest quality faculty and staff; develop new course materials; expand the number of e-commerce classes; and provide students with new employment opportunities, internships and field study projects.