A BYU Marriott education goes far beyond writing papers and listening to lectures. Learning to work together in teams to be successful and solve real-world problems is a BYU Marriott hallmark. Last year more than 1,600 BYU students participated in 365 company-sponsored collaborative experiences. These experiences included classroom projects, field studies, and on-campus internships with organizations ranging from small startups to worldwide corporations. Our commitment to providing these distinctive opportunities is key to our ability to transform classroom discussions into real-life application and success.

“The biggest thing I will take from my on-campus internship is working with a team. When I originally signed up, I was looking for real-life HR experience and application—a résumé builder that I could use for talking points during interviews and job seeking. And I got that. But I also learned how to take a diverse group of people and create a cohesive team, communicate effectively with each other and those we were working for, and reach our full potential individually and collectively. These skills will benefit me throughout my HR career,” says Josh Spencer, Human Resource Management.