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Fall 2004 Summer 2003 Summer 2020 Winter 2002
Reading books is almost a daily occurrence in the world of higher education. Writing books, however, is not nearly as common. Yet many of BYU Marriott’s faculty members have managed to pen chapters full of wisdom.
Imagine hacking into a Furby, picking a lockbox, shooting targets with Nerf guns, diving into piles of (clean) trash, and sliding under string “laser beams,” all with the end goal of identifying—and then fixing—vulnerabilities in a wireless computer security system.
Unless you are either unusually lucky or incredibly unlucky, and in most cases even then, most of your careers will not be composed of drama.
New research from BYU Marriott professors takes a close look at what imposter syndrome is — and how to conquer it.
You walk into the office on Monday, breakfast in hand. Then your coworker leans over and asks how your weekend was, and your mind goes blank.
It’s possible that Clarke Miyasaki’s success can be traced back to the card game Uno. But not just your basic game of Uno.
All right, listen up! No matter your job, you can bring the gym to work or home by deskercising—engaging in exercises fit for a cubicle or living room.
One month from delivering her third child, Jennifer Jackson Buckner boarded the elevator of her New York high rise holding the hands of her two young boys. Partway down from the twenty-ninth floor, a professionally dressed woman joined them. After watching the family for a few moments, the woman said as she exited the elevator with a smile, “Easier to start a company.”
This is the first of a five-part personal financial planning series sponsored by the Peery Institute of Financial Services. The next installment, addressing insurance, will appear in the Winter 2005 issue.
I want to describe a few of the people who surround me at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). My deputy has a PhD in Islamic philosophy. The person in the office next to mine is a former reporter for National Public Radio. A woman in our administration office is a concert pianist.
You probably recognize the symptoms. Palms sweaty, throat scratchy. A band of pressure stretches across your forehead from temple to temple. Knots in your stomach and your pulse racing. Breathing comes in short, shallow bursts. Coming down with the flu? No. You’re about to make a group presentation.