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Summer 2003 Summer 2023 Winter 2008 Winter 2021
As the class of 2023 enters the workforce, byu Marriott alumni and community members who have worked their way to executive positions share what they have learned as they have gone forth to serve.
New research shows that kind words have measurable impact on people in all walks of life, from those working in often unnoticed or undervalued positions to the coworker in the cubicle next to us. Praising others is a principle worth putting into practice, says Taeya Howell, assistant professor of organizational behavior and human resources.
Whether your business is large or small, preparing for emergencies of all types is time and money well spent. Planning ahead can keep your business afloat and even position you to come out ahead of the competition during challenging times.
We are all living a deliverance story, explains Michael S. Drake, K. Fred Skousen Professor of Accounting, in this condensed version of his byu devotional address. Deliverance is “a central and recurring theme of this film called mortality,” he says, and each of us can participate in the work of deliverance together with our Savior to ease the sufferings and burdens of others.
The MSB 380: Executive Leadership Series class is open to any student across campus and features a “fireside Q&A” format.
As he reflects on his life journey, emeritus general authority and MOB grad Larry Kacher says the unexpected stops have been most meaningful and the bumps along the way have proved most beneficial.
Is there such a thing as a good argument? It may not come naturally for many of us, but what writer Buster Benson calls “productive disagreement” can be learned and harnessed to make real change.
Often called “America’s best idea,” national parks preserve some of our country’s most stunning natural beauty. For more than a century, countless visitors have felt wonder as they’ve explored these unique sites.
Exploring the Seen and Unseen Forces That Determine Corporate Culture
With its emphasis on teaching students to discover solutions to seemingly impossible problems, BYU Marriott's course Strategy 421: Strategy Implementation is one that Sherlock Holmes would have approved of.
With COVID-19 forcing schools around the world to adopt modified in-person, hybrid, or fully online instruction, the idea of homeschooling is gaining momentum.
Eric Weight’s alarm clock rang at 6 a.m. every morning, no matter the weather, no matter the month, no matter the holiday.
Anytime the topic of new product innovation is raised, it’s guaranteed that someone inevitably will bring up . . . Apple’s iPod.
Can you put a price on company culture? That’s the question Steve Marriott, executive vice president of culture at Marriott International, asked a group of Marriott School students. Specifically, he wanted to know if Marriott’s “spirit to serve associates, customers, and communities” added to the company’s economic value.