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Fall 2006 Summer 2006 Summer 2008 Summer 2012
Peter Madsen takes the admonition to turn lemons into lemonade quite seriously.  In grad school Madsen, now a Marriott School organizational leadership and strategy professor, became fascinated with how organizations learn from catastrophes. “Most of my research focuses on how they deal with and try to prevent rare, bad events,” says Madsen, who earned his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley. “Whether mistakes happen internally or externally, companies can glean information that allows them to reduce their chances of being involved in accidents.”
Class begins with everyone looking intently at the same spreadsheet on their laptops. Today’s task: learning how to calculate financial ratios like debt-to-equity, asset turnover, and net profit margin—with the click of a button.
Growing up in Central Florida, Erik Jacobsen pretty much knew he wanted to be a cowboy by the time he was twelve or thirteen years old.
There are ninety-five beautiful and bright days this year to revel in the pleasures of summer.
How the Marriott School Is Helping Students Land Jobs and Internships
With a smartphone, you’ve got the whole world in your pocket. And with more than half a million apps in the iTunes store and more than 300,000 available for Android phones, wading through the options can be daunting.
During the Clinton administration, Stephen R. Covey heard several family members criticizing the president’s policies.
At age ten, Kent Andersen set his sights on being a doctor. He never once doubted his future in medicine—that is, until he submitted his medical school application. To the shock of friends and family, Andersen decided being a doctor wasn’t what he wanted to spend his life doing after all.
With the exterior complete and the interior finish work picking up pace, the Tanner Building Addition is quickly coming to life.
The retirement question often surrounds how much money you’re making, saving, and spending. It’s all about the time when work ends and, presumably, fun begins. You’ve either been stashing cash away, buying stocks, or even building a family business with the possible goal of selling it and enjoying retirement. Yet once retiree life begins, the financial work doesn’t suddenly end. The question now becomes: How will you make your savings last so you don’t run out of money before you run out of life?
If you think about the decisions you make between the ages of eighteen and thirty, you’ll realize they have a fundamental impact on where your life actually ends up.
It added a slice of humor to Cherie Jones’ day when a co-worker spilled an entire Big Gulp on her keyboard. “I was totally laughing,” she recalls. Her co-worker wasn’t. Jones, a 2001 MAcc graduate and business tax auditor for Loudon County, Virginia, says her colleague panicked as she searched for napkins to salvage the keyboard. Big Gulp or deli sandwich, Jones’ co-worker isn’t the only one whose workstation doubles as an eatery.
Two weeks before Kristen DeTienne moved into her new home, she called the phone company to pre-install a new line. The company didn’t come through, and she went for weeks without a phone.
Standing in front of eight corporate leaders worth billions of dollars and presenting them with a new business venture is the epitome of applied classroom learning.
At all levels of government, we need more men and women who are willing to speak the truth, face the facts, take a long-term perspective, and prepare our country and its citizens. Many of these challenges are unprecedented in size, scope, complexity, and potential impact.