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Fall 2006 Summer 2001 Summer 2007 Summer 2014
Three tech-savvy students have redesigned a BYU rite of passage: the search for Provo housing.
The Marriott family is particular about what they attach their name to. Marriott believes that young people with good values and strong character will be the essence of business success in the future.
Coming up with the tagline "Marriott 25" was simple. But the task—twenty-five thousand hours of service—was Monumental. With a capital M.
Preparedness has been preached by the Boy Scouts, the federal government, and Dwight Schrute (remember that episode where he sets the office on fire?). And there are far too many cautionary tales of people and businesses that failed to prepare and faced tragic consequences when disaster struck.
A word of advice to the newest graduates of the School of Accountancy: learn to take a good ribbing—because while you may have just earned a coveted degree from a top-ranked accounting program, you’ve also just entered one of the world’s most-stereotyped professions.
Growing a garden isn’t all weed pulling and sweat. It’s a boon for your health—not to mention your dinner table. In fact, gardeners consume the recommended amount of fruits and veggies nearly twice as often as their non-planting peers.
The Utah Governor’s Mansion was blanketed in soft, blue light. The occasion was World Autism Awareness Day 2014, and buildings across the country were swapping bulbs to highlight a disorder that affects one in sixty-eight American children.
While many Marriott School students take classes to learn research strategies, MPA student Jean Kapenda brings to graduate classes years of tried and tested real-world research from his extensive genealogy work.
One of the most important projects in my ongoing education is training my emotions and recognizing how vital they are in doing good work. We don’t check our emotions at the door when we come to work. And we take the emotional aftertaste of work back into our homes.
After earning a law degree from Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, Makoto Ishi Zaka found himself spending more and more time away from his family, holed up in the office of the IT company he worked for.
This is the second of a three-part series focusing on economic self-reliance. The next article, in the fall 2007 issue, will highlight a single-mother initiative.
It added a slice of humor to Cherie Jones’ day when a co-worker spilled an entire Big Gulp on her keyboard. “I was totally laughing,” she recalls. Her co-worker wasn’t. Jones, a 2001 MAcc graduate and business tax auditor for Loudon County, Virginia, says her colleague panicked as she searched for napkins to salvage the keyboard. Big Gulp or deli sandwich, Jones’ co-worker isn’t the only one whose workstation doubles as an eatery.
Two weeks before Kristen DeTienne moved into her new home, she called the phone company to pre-install a new line. The company didn’t come through, and she went for weeks without a phone.