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The Beehive State is abuzz. The stretch along the Wasatch Front from Ogden to Provo is growing into a hub of technology entrepreneurship, dotted with everything from scrappy startups to billion-dollar ventures. Meet Seven Marriott School Alumni inside Utah’s Tech Boom
Negotiation skills might not bring you everything you want in life, but you can increase your odds of success. To up your game, try a relationship-driven approach for an outcome that helps everyone, says a 2015 study in Harvard’s Negotiation Journal.
As children grow, a parent’s role evolves—from caregiver to choreographer to coach. When children hit young adulthood and finish their college years, parents function primarily as consultants. But this promotion is no cushy retirement. It’s a challenging gig: even the most well-adjusted young adult can run into roadblocks, and parents have less control over kids’ decisions than before.
Gandhi has a story. Winston Churchill has a story. Martin Luther King Jr. has a story. Great leadership is interwoven with great stories, and often this leadership comes when leaders perceive the power of their own stories.
How a neglected virtue can redeem leadership's most notorious vice
After a divisive campaign that brought us the #AnyoneButTrump movement and Hillary Clinton’s literal Woman Card, you might know where you stand when it comes to the presidential candidates—or maybe you’re not so sure, even as the polls ready to open this November.
It’s a touchy subject—right up there with politics and religion. But obesity reaches high enough numbers and dollars that it can’t be quietly swept under the rug. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 34 percent of U.S. adults aged 20 and older are obese, a looming figure that’s more than doubled since the late 1970s.1 The figure has recently settled after a quarter-century of steady growth, leaving the majority of U.S. adults—approximately 66 percent—overweight or obese, with health care costs continuing to rise with no end in sight.2
Some things you just know. For everything else, ask an expert. Six alumni share their smart responses to everyday situations.
John B. Bingham was left scratching his head when the topic of performance appraisals came up during a visit with a consulting client.
By the end of their first class period, MBA students in the power, influence, and negotiations course are engaged in a full-scale, one-on-one negotiation over the sale of a biochemical plant.
Years of planning and effort came to fruition on 24 October 2008 when President Thomas S. Monson dedicated the 76,000-square-foot N. Eldon Tanner Building Addition.
I own two small companies. It’s hard to pay myself benefits, let alone all my employees. The first thing to look at is making sure they are paid a competitive wage, then add vacation/holidays and keep within reason. Next, they might need health insurance, but if the spouse is working elsewhere and is covered, we can sometimes eliminate it. Finally, you might look at adding tax deferred savings plans and insurance. Since both my companies are retail, we offer very steep discounts to employees. It has been my experience that most people working for small companies do not expect superb benefits. Also, in order to keep costs down, you must do a lot of shopping.
Several weeks ago, I traveled to the north side of Chicago to visit my son. I drove from downtown Chicago to Lincoln Park, where he lives. As I turned onto Clybourn Avenue, I suddenly encountered a scene that I hadn’t seen or thought of in years—the Clybourn Gospel Chapel.